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Let me first off by telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Lucian and I'm a 4000 year old vampire. I'm a very wealthy CEO and vampires took over the world about 300 years ago. Humans were now our slaves. It was a normal day at the office when my best friend Andrew walked in with someone.

"Andrew" I say to him

"Lu buddy. This is my new pet." He tells me

"Where did you get that thing from?" I ask him

"The new shop down the road. They got a new shipment in today. They say these ones are rather smart. You should go take a look and maybe get one that's your favorite blood type" He tells me

"I think i'll go now" I tell him standing up

He nods and walks out dragging his pet on a leash. I smirk and walk to my car and drive down to the shops.

Maggie's POV

We are in a world where vampires rule. All humans were used a breeders, feeders, companions, or sex slaves. I was on the poor side. No one wanted me at all. I was skinny, to skinny for anyone. My dark long black hair was oily, matted, and a mess. My white skin was dirty from being on the dirt ground in a cage. The white gown I wore was see through and was really dirty. I curled up in a ball to keep warm and that's when the front bell rang. I was hoping no one would look at me so I wouldn't have to see the disappointment in their eyes. I put my back to the front of the cage and closed my eyes. I heard voices but I ignored it.

Lucian's POV

When I walked in I heard whimpering all around. Some humans stuck their fingers out the cage trying to get to me while other backed away in fear. The shop owner came up and was talking to me but I ignored him. I walked around looking in the cages and see a tiny girl curled in a ball with her back towards me.

"Wake it up" I tell the owner

He nods and kicks the cage hard and she jumps up and yelps when she bangs her head.

"Her information" I say

"Her name is Maggie. She is eighteen. Been here the longest. Not had a owner but she is obedient in every way. She is not a virgin. Guards like to have fun with the ones that are here to long. She is 4'9 and 88 lbs." he tells me

"I wish to buy her" I tell him

He looks shocked but nods and walks away and comes back with papers for me to sign and I hand over the money.

"Here is your free collar and leash. they must wear the collar at all times but the leash only when in public. Here is your list of rules for pets. I know you probably know them but we have to give one every time a pet is sold." He tells me

I nod and take everything. i lean down and pull the tiny girl out and slip on the collar and leash. I nod at the owner and start walking to my car. Once in I place the girl in the back and head home. When we arrive home I step out and lift the girl out and I sit her on her feet. I walked inside and she stumbles behind me through the door. I walk over and take a seat and she stands in front of me looking terrified.

"Let's go over some things. My name is Lucian but you will call me Master or Sir. Sir when it's us and Master in public. I'm a very well known vampire and you will show respect. You will allow me to feed from you and if you don't fight it I will make it painless but if you fight I will make it hurt. I will not feed on you til I know you healthy and put on some weight. I will call the doctor now to come look at you. Never leave the mansion without my permission. there is a garden out back that is gated in that you can go out to anytime you wish. I can have someone come in and teach you how to garden if you wish. I am strict but I am nice. Don't break my rules and you won't be punished. Do you understand?" I say

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