Powerful CEO

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My name was Knox Bennet. I was the CEO of a powerful company and I also owned a few hotels and casinos. I was currently at my company working for the day. You see I was in the process of trying to save my PA. She was a sweet woman and damn good at her job. Her boyfriend on the other hand planned on asking her to marry him soon so he could launder money and put it all in her name and send her to jail and him make of with all that money. I planned on making her my girlfriend to save her.

"Miss. Sanders" I shout

she had known me for a hardass and I wasn't going to change that.

"Yes Sir." She says walking in

"close the door" I tell her

She closes it and walks over taking a seat.

"I have something i want you to watch. After that we will talk about what is going to happen" I tell her

she nods and I spin my computer screen around and hit play. Her jaw dropped and a tear slipped down her face. I had to bite my tongue to keep from going to comfort her.

"How?" She asks with a shaky voice

"Your apartment is bugged. Now this is what is going to happen. Your going to have a lunch meeting with your boyfriend and your going to end things telling him your were having an affair with me. Once you do that you will be moving into my penthouse with me" I tell her

"No way" She gasps out

"fine then i'll leak the video to the world" I say spinning the screen back around

"Wait" She shouts

"Yes?" I say

"Why?" She asks with a trembling voice

"I have my reasons. Now do we have a deal?" I ask

She nods and stands on shaky legs and walks out with her head held high. I felt bad for her and I intended on telling her everything tonight. I followed her on her lunch date and listened to the whole conversation. He was pissed and raised his voice so I walked over and helped her to her feet and then I drove her to my penthouse. Once getting her inside she collapsed. I scooped her up and carried her to bed. Once she was down I sighed and got everything together I needed. About two hours later she woke up and I walked in turning on the lamp and giving her a glass of water.

"We need to talk now. No one is listening and we are alone. Hailey I did this for a reason. I need to show you something. Are you up for it?" I ask

"Is it me fucking someone else in my bed?" She snarls at me

"I'm sorry about that. I just needed you to agree. I swear I didn't see anything. You were the only one to see that video i promise" I tell her

"what's going on?" She asks

"Come with me" I tell her

she pushes the covers back and follows me to the living room. When I sat down she was standing over by the tall glass window looking out at the city. I let her collect her thoughts and then after ten minutes cleared my throat. She jumped slightly but looked over at me and come over sitting down by me. I handed her the file and she opened it she flipped through it and tears flowed down her face. She dropped the file and stood up and walked over to the bar and poured herself a glass of scotch and my eyes widened. She down it sighing and pouring another. She sipped it while pacing and I left her to her thoughts. I wanted her to talk to me not the other way.

"How long?" she asks softly

"How long what?" I ask

"How long have you known?" She asks softly

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