Turning Off the Emotions

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Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Jamie. I'm 16 years old and i'm a sub. I got to school and i'm a straight A student. Most of my friends have been bought by other doms but I haven't been bought yet. I don't know why it just hasn't happened yet. I was on my way home from school when I noticed a truck parked in our driveway. I shrugged my shoulders cause I knew my dad was going to hire someone to help around the house fixing things. I walked in the house and put my bag down and walked in the kitchen to see my horrid mother making tea.

"Jamie, there is a man here to buy you as his sub today. You will meet him in your room in five minutes so you can go over what you will take with you and what will be thrown out when you leave. Make sure you leave your phone on the table so I can take it back to the store later this week." She says and shoos me to my room

(I don't know why the italics won't turn off guys. Sorry about that)

I entered my room and seen a man going through my things.

"You must be Jamie. My name is Sam. I have already went through most of your things and boxed up most. What is left you can go through and take one big box full. The rest will be left here. You have thirty minutes before we leave so get to it" He tells me and walks out

I start to panic but I quickly pack some of my favorite books, my lap top, ipad, some of my pictures of my friends, my favorite blanket, my fluffy pillow, and my teddy my dad got me the day I was born. I taped up the box and Sam walked back in and picked it up and carried it to his truck. I walked down stairs and grabbed my school bag and headed to his truck. I slid in the front seat and when Sam turned around he was stunned to see my in the truck already. He opened my door and looked at me.

"Do you not wish to say goodbye to your mother?" He asks

I shook my head and he looked at my face but nodded and closed the door. He got in and we headed down the road.

"We have a two hour drive. So let's go over rules.

1- Call me master

2-do as I say when I say

3- you will get up at 4 a.m. when i do and you will clean the house and any other chores I leave for you.

4- do not be disrespectful

5- have dinner cooked every night before i get home

If I think of anything else i'll let you know." he tells me

I don't answer him thought i'm still in shock that today of all days this happened to me. I must have feel asleep cause I little later I was being shook awake. I stepped out of the truck and Sam brought my boxes in. he placed him his room so I was guessing we would be sharing. I started unpacking my things and once I was done I walked back downstairs and seen Sam cooking at the stove.

"I'll cook tonight and tomorrow night to let you settle in but after that it's on you. Did you finish unpacking?" He asks me

I nod and he growls and slams the spoon down.

"when I speak to you I want a to hear a answer. Am I understood" he roars

"yes Sir" I whisper

"Good. Now after dinner you can either give me a blowjob or we can have sex" He tells me

I freeze and look at him.

"But I don't want to" I whisper

"Choose one if you don't I will and you will do both" He snaps

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