Starting over Part 2

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A week had passed since Ty left me laying in the bottom of the shower. I refused to speak or look at him. Mac had been staying at the house since then not once leaving me alone. 

"Hey honeybee. Ready?" He asks

I nod and stand up and he takes my hand and we head to the gym. I get my run in and then it was time for one on one combat. I wrapped my hands and turned to face Mac. He nods and I swing and he ducks and we got at it for a hour. I drop to the floor and he looks down at me tilting his head. 

"Stretch?" He asks

I nod and roll over onto my stomach and he straddles my lower legs and pulls my arms back stretching everything. He raises up on his knees and I roll over and pull my legs out from under him. I place my legs on his hips and he grabs one leg and pushes it back and I groan. He lets that one go and does the other one and then he raises both legs and pushes them back using his body weight and I I groan loudly. 

"You ok honeybee? I see you haven't had a good stretching lately" He says smirking down at me

"oh baby it's just cause you haven't been here" I say playing along winking at him

I tighten my legs and flip him and he grunts and looks up at me smirking. I giggle and wink at him and stretch my arms above my head sighing. I drop my arms and my hands land on his naked chest and he smiles at me. A throat clears and I whip around to see Ghost and Ty standing there looking angry. 

"What's up bub?" I ask

"What's this?" He asks 

"Mac was stretching me. He's been working one on one with my training. We just finished up and we got to talking." I say and look down at MAc and wink

"Come on Honeybee. Shower time" He says rolling us over

He gets up and pulls me up and wraps his arm around my shoulders and kisses my temple. 

"Pancakes?" I ask looking up at him

"Sure honeybee. shower and i'll meet you in the kitchen in ten" He says

I grin and run off to my room and shower quickly. I slip on some shorts and Mac's high school jersey and head to the kitchen. When I get there Mac had started on the pancakes so i turned on some music and Got what I got started playing. I walk over and wrap my arms around his bare my hands landing on his shirtless abs. He chuckles and pats my hands. 

"it still swallows you whole" I hear behind me

I turn to see Ghost eyeing me. 

"Yeah it does. He's huge" I say smiling

Ghost gives me my favorite smile and I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him and he hugs me back just as close. He started swaying a bit and a smile finds it's way onto my face. A throat clears and my head snaps up and my eyes widen. 

"Daddy" I squeal 

I take off running and leap at him and he catches me chuckling. 

"Hi princess." he says hugging me hard

He finally sits me back on my feet and I grin up at him.

"Hey princess" I hear

I look over to see all the guys standing there.

"Luke" I squeal

I run over hugging him and he chuckles and kisses the top of my head. 

"Honeybee" Mac calls

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