Mortal Part 5

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Today was the day that I got married. Everything was perfect or so I thought. I was in the bridal suite getting ready when Zeus stepped in and sighed.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Persephone is here. She refuses to leave" he says

I growl and walk out and see her in the hall. I use my hand and throw her against the wall and growl.

"Get out" I hiss at her

"I cant. I'm pregnant with his baby" she grins

"Really? Prove it. You go Earth to follow him. Prove it to us but it wont stop us from getting married. Cause I hate to break it to you sweetheart I'm pregnant with his baby and I know for a fact its his" I say tightening my grip

Her eyes widen and she gasps.

"Karina drop her" I hear behind me

I release her and sigh. Thankfully I wasnt in my dress yet just in my robe.

"Tell me the truth Persephone " Hades growls

"Its yours" she says

"We will fine out. Until then the wedding is on hold" he says

I gasp and look at him in shock.

"Seriously? I have did nothing but bend over backwards for you and I became this for you. I gave you a second chance." I yell

"I have to know" he tells me

"And that means you cant marry me?" I snap

"Karina I'm sorry" he says

He steps towards me and I step back and look at him with hate and his eyes widen.

"If you touch me I'll kill you. Dont come looking for me. If you step one foot near me or anyone I care about I'll kill you" I snarl

He was in shock and a tear slipped down my face.

"Karina" he says stepping towards me

I step back and vanish in front of him.  I go to the mansion and pack my shit and I disappear again.


I was exhausted and was finally headed to pick Destiny up from the sitter. When I finally got her home and in her I was ready to pass out. When I sat down on my bed I cried. I missed Aphrodite and Athena and my goddaughter.

"I miss you" I whisper

"Let me come see you please" I hear

"I cant" I say

"Karina please. We miss you." She says sadly

"Kiss the kids for me and tell them I love them" I say

"I will. Talk soon?" She says

"Promise" I say

I dont hear anything else so I lay down and pass out.


I had met someone but it wasn't going well. He had started hitting me and I was scared. When he passed out I ran to Destiny's room and scooped her up and transported to Athena. When I popped up they were all sitting around.

"Karina" Zeus shouts

He was in front of me in a flash and my legs gave out but he caught me.

"Hold on babe I got you. Your ok" he tells me

"Get her in a bed. Aph take the child" Athena shouts

Zeus lifts me up and runs me off and places me down. He pushes my hair from my face and growls.

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