The Mistake

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What do you do when you accidentally marry a girl you weren't ever meant to marry. I knew nothing about this girl and she wasn't someone I would ever go out with and now i'm stuck with her for six months and she refuses to talk to me. She was working in a diner so i showed up at her work.

"What can I get you?" She says with her back to me

"We need to talk" I say

She spins around and her eyes widen seeing me.

"About what?" She says

"Our marriage. I looked into the annulment but we have to live together for a year before that can happen." I tell her

"No way" She says

"Well let me sweeten the deal" I say pulling out my checkbook

I write out a $100,000 check and slide it over to her. SHe picks it up and looks at it and sighs.

"what is this?" She asks

"Isn't it what you wanted?" I ask confused

"I am not a charity case. Get out" She says ripping up the check and throwing it in the trash

I was stunned and angry.

"What the hell is wrong with you? That is exactly what you wanted" I snap at her

Her eyes feel with tears and she turns her back to me.

"get out right now" A man snaps walking towards me

"What?" I say confused

"You will not speak her to that way. Get out." He yells

All eyes turn towards us and I sigh and leave. I was so confused on what just happened. I decided to catch her after work so I sat outside til she was leaving. She jumped in her car and drove towards a hospital. I watched her walk in and I followed her. She entered a room and I snuck up looking in.

"Hey sweetheart. How you doing today?" She asks kissing someone on the cheek

"I'm ok." A child says

"And how did today go? Sorry I couldn't be here I had to work" She says

"It was good. I'm tired though" The child says

"I'm sorry Cassi" She whispers to the small child

"Aunt Dani it's not your fault." The child says

"But it feels like it. I hate that your in here. i'm trying my best I promise" She tells the girl

"I know Aunt Dani. Thank you" The child says

It gets quiet and I'm startled when she bumps into me.

"What the actual fuck are you doing here?" She snarls at me

Once again I was floored at how she was talking to me.

"I wanted to talk. The nurse said you come this way" I say

"We have nothing to talk about" She says and walks to the nurses desk

"Danielle darlin how you doing?" A nurse ask

"Fine Nan. How's my girl doing?" She asks

"She is doing better. She should be able to go home tomorrow" The nurse says

I see her whole body tense and I have to know what's going on.

"That's great. She is going to b excited" Dani says smiling

"Go tell her goodnight. Time's up honey" The nurse says

"Thanks Nan" She says and walks past me and back in the room

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