Coming Together Finally

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Miranda's POV

I woke up some time later and was in my bed and smelled food. I rolled out of bed and headed for my kitchen and seen everyone sitting around talking.

"Hey lovely. You feeling better?" Jack asks

I nod and walk over to Jake and slide into his lap and lean back on him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the side of my head and I smile slightly and sigh.

"Are you going to tell me?" I ask looking at Sammy

"When we went on that mission I knew I had to fake my death. Jack had got me some pulsers and the rest went from there. I listened to everything you said and I listened to you scream for me to open my eyes but I knew I couldn't. After Jack pulled you away from me the guys loaded me up and took me to a safe house. I went undercover and went after the man who was after you. We finally got him and he's being dealt with. Rogers finally gave me the ok to step back into your life. He explained to me that you weren't ok with your life and you had ran away several times. I never wanted to hurt you and I never thought those dummies would abandon you. I'm so sorry I put you through so much hurt but I did it to protect you. Jack use to sneak me in to watch you sleep sometimes. I would just sit there silently watching you sleep and five minutes before you would start waking up I would be out the door again. I was always there love, you just couldn't see me." Sammy says reaching over grabbing my hand

"Well I feel violated now" I say

"Oh hush. It wasn't like that. Even when Jack would be busy I would sit outside your window readying a book just so I could be a little close to you." She tells me

"I get it. I really do but so much has changed and I don't know if I can fully forgive anyone right now" I tell her

"That's ok it will take time. But for now we have a wedding to plan" She says smiling at me

"Actually we talk and decided we want to wait a least a year to get married. We don't want to rush and with our jobs we both work weird hours so if we can cope with our hours and this one going back to school then we will start planning a wedding." Jake says

"Randa" Sammy starts

"Don't Randa me. This is our decision" I tell her

She sighs but nods and Jack wraps a arm around her. I lean back into Jake and close my eyes and Gage walks in.

"Dinner is ready" He says

I go to stand and Jake tightens his arms around me.

"You stay put and I'll go fix you a plate" He says

I nod and he stands sliding me into his seat and walks away. About five minutes later he comes back holding my plate and a glass of coke in another. He hands me the plate and sits my drink on the table and walks off again. He comes back and sits down in front of me in the floor and I smile. we all eat and chat and I stand up and go in the kitchen to load the dishwasher washer. Jack walks in and helps me but doesn't say anything and I sigh.

"You ok babygirl?" He asks

"It just took a lot of of me like always." I tell him

He nods and scoops me up and carries me back to the living room. He sits down and places me on his lap and starts running his fingers through my hair. I can feel myself grow more sleepy and I peek up at him.

"Sleep baby" he whispers

"Love you" I mumble before I completely fall asleep

Jack's POV

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