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request. One where a scared, scarred, beaten, bruised, raped, kitten hybrid is bought. He thinks things will change with his new master but what happens when he finds out the man that bought him isn't his new master and he actually has two new masters not just one.


My name is well I don't really have one. I never found a master that would be willing to name me. No master ever kept me longer than a few weeks and would bring me back to the shop after they were done with me. They would do anything they wanted to me. One man even got me pregnant and I had to have my baby and then he took the baby for his wife. I didn't even know i could get pregnant until I was told what was happening to my body. I was currently curled up in my cage trying to use my tail to cover my body when the front bell dinged signaling someone come in to look at us. I was in the very back cause I was brought back quiet often so I wasn't really up for show unless someone stumbled upon me.

"Hello sir. How may I help you?" The shop owner says

"I'm looking for a hybrid. A kitten to be exact. Preferably one that has been brought back." He says

"ah I have just the one for you. I'll even let him go for half his price as long as you don't bring him back." The shop owner says

"Deal" The old man says

The shop owner comes over and drags me out and throws me at the man. The man pays for me and then takes me to his car. I was put in the back and he started driving. I was silent so i wouldn't get hit and then he spoke.

"By the way i'm not your master. I bought you for two friends of mine. They are in a relationship and wanted a hybrid so I bought you. Just do as they say and you won't get hurt" He says

I cringe and my ears hide in my hair. We didn't drive very long and then we stopped. The man got out and took me in a house and pushed me through a door.

"I found one boys" The older man says

"Ah perfect. Thank you Jamie your dismissed" One man says

The other one walks over to me and looks me up and down and rolls his eyes.

"Hmm he is rather fat better cut off meals" One man says smiling

"No Tyler he needs to eat so he can handle both of us. If he doesn't eat he won't last" The other man says

"I guess your right. Better get some meat on him before we start the fun. Let's give it a month. We can make him our maid til he is well enough" The blonde says

"Sounds good. You go over the rules and I'll go make sure everything is set up" The other man says

The blonde nods and takes a seat while the other one leaves.

"first you may sit. Second my name is Josh and the other man's name is Tyler. You will call him Master and me Sir. You are here for our sexual desires. But until your healthy enough you will be our maid. we don't have many rules so as long as you don't break them we don't punish you. Never leave the house, never answer the phone or front door unless we tell you to. Never look anyone in the eye and unless spoken to. Punishments may vary. we are big on humiliation so that's a big part of the punishments. Now do you have questions?" Sir asks

"will you name me?" I ask softly

"No. You won't have a name til you have earned it. You will only get a name if we collar you and you have to earn that." Sir tells me

I nod and bow my head slightly. Master walks back in and smirks.

"He will go easier on you than I will. If you hiss I will remove your fangs. If you scratch anyone I will declaw you. And we won't be breeding you. You will never be a mother. If we catch you trying to get pregnant I will take you to the vet and have your tubes tied so you can't get pregnant" Master says grinning evilly


I knew it was coming. They gave me a extra month cause I wasn't healthy enough. I was beyond scared and it got even worse cause master just walked in smiling.

"Time to eat" He says

I follow behind slowly and when I got to the kitchen I notice bowls on the floor. Master points to them and I walk over and sit down and slowly start eating. Once I was finished I sat back and waiting on Master and Sir to finish.

"Get over here and suck Sir off while he finishes eating" Master snaps

i crawl over and just look at Sir. I didn't really know what to do.

"Are you fucking stupid?" Sir snarls at me

I jump cause he was never mean to me. He unzipped his pants and his thing popped out. It was huge and was standing up but I still didn't understand. He sighed and yanked me over by my hair and told me to open my mouth. I did and he shoved hiss thing down my throat. I started choking but he held me in place and shoved his thing in and out of my mouth at a fast pace. Soon enough he stiffened and my mouth filled with a salty white stuff. I spit it everywhere and Master jumped up and grabbed me by my tail and dragged me to a room and threw me in. He walk over and ripped my clothes from me and then turned me over shoving my face in the floor hard and then something was in my bum and it hurt.

"Ahh master.... stop.... pwease... it hurtsssss" I cry

"That's it whore scream for me" He growls in my ear

He bites down on my kitten ear and I scream bloody murder.

"Oh you started without me" Sir says walking in

He took off his pants and got under me and master yanked me up and held my arms behind my back and Sir put something in my bum along with master.

"Owieee pease... hurtss. Sir hurts." I cry out

"Good. That's what your here for. Your here for us to use, abuse, and maybe kill you" Master roars and clamps down on my kitty ear again

Sir yanks my tail and I feel it break and I scream out. They finished and stood up and got dressed. Master walked towards me with something and put it to my ears and I screamed when fire spread through my kitty ears. He chuckles and I look down to see he cut my kitten ears. I was in so much pain but they didn't care. sir kicked me hard and I feel over crying.

"Allen" Sir calls

"yes sir" He says walking in

"Send the boys in. They know the rules" Sir says

"Sir maybe He should clean up some first" Allen says

"Why? He is just going to look like this again." Master says and they leave

Four big guys walk in and I knew it was going to be a long night. I just lay there and let them do what they wanted cause I knew I would never be loved enough to have a family.

Josh's POV

Tyler was more dominant than me but I didn't mind. But I did feel bad about how we treated that hybrid. we left him with the boys and went to our room to shower. we didn't bother checking on the boys we just went to bed. The next morning we got up and I went to get the hybrid to feed him and found him still in the playroom covering in blood, bruises and dried cum. I sighed and washed him off ad then took him down to eat. He didn't look up or even eat so I pushed it off as he was upset from last night.


Two months had passed and I noticed the hybrid didn't talk or eat anymore and I was worried.

"Tyler" I say

"Yeah babe" Tyler says

"Have you noticed that the hybrid isn't talking or eating anymore?" I ask

"NO not really" He says shrugging

"I think we really hurt him" I say

"He is just a hybrid" He says

"yeah but he has feelings to Ty. I can't keep treating him like this. He can be our submissive but I don't wanna treat him like this anymore. I can't do it" I say with teary eyes

"Alright my love. we will change the rules and such. I can see how much this is hurting you but punishments stay as are" He tells me

I nod and kiss him softly and that's when things changed for the better or so I thought.


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