Mrs. Italy

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Its been six months and I filed for divorce. Everything went through my lawyer so I didn't have to deal with him at all. There was a big meeting today and I had to go. I laid out my outfit and took a quick shower. Once I was dressed I headed downstairs and kissed Callie on top of her head as I passed. 

"Aunt K" She squeals

"We will play when I get back kitten" I tell her

She nods and I walk out and slide into the SUV and head for this meeting. When I get there I walk in and drop down into my seat. 

"Dona" I hear

I look up to see Emilo looking at me with worry. 

"Just tired." I say 

All the big Bosses come in and I see Dmitri walk in. Everyone takes their seats and a wave of nausea hits me. 

"Emilo" I call 

He walks over leaning down and I whisper in his ear. 

"On it" He says 

He walks out and everyone talks amongst their selves. Twenty minutes later Emilo walks back in with a bag and pulls out a drink, meds, and something to eat. Everyone looks at me and I ignore them.

"Kadance darling you feeling alright?" Nico asks

"Just a little queasy today." I tell him

Emilo hands me meds and my drink and I down them and I sigh.

"Eat now" Emilo commands

I sigh and dig into the meal and sigh when i'm done.

"Better?" He asks 

"I'm fine. Thank you" I say squeezing his hand

He cleans up the trash and I gag slightly. 

"Kadence" Nico says

I hold up my hand and gag again and Emilo shoots over with a trash can. I empty my stomach and when I was done a bottle of water was placed in front of me. I leaned back sweating and sighed. I see Emilo on the phone and ten minutes later the doc was walking through the door. He did all his normal check ups and he sighs. 

"Kadence you have the flu darling" He tells me

I groan and sigh. 

"Let's get this over with so I can go to bed. It's hot in here and these jeans are killing my legs" I say 

"Kadence go on home. I can do this sweetheart" Sal tells me

"I'm ok" i mumble

I gag again and Emilo rubs my back. 

"You are not alright. Let's go home" Emilo says

"Yeah ok" I say 

I stand and my legs give out. 

"Woah there Darling" Alek says

"hey al" I mumble

He chuckles and I stand again and take a step when my legs give. 

"That's it" emilo says scooping me up

He walked out placing me in the SUV and driving me home. He carried me to my room and laid me on the bed and proceeded to change my clothes and cover me up. He walks away and comes back carring a whole try of stuff. He helps me sit up and I sigh.

"Eat this soup slowly then i'm going to give you meds and a sprite then your gonna sleep" He tells me

"Can you go buy a big ass TV for in here and mount it?" I ask 

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