The not so Innocent Kitten

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Moving to a new town was never in the picture for me. Running from my husband was never in the picture for me. But I had to go what I had to do. My name is Bailey and i'm 23 years old and this is my story. I had been driving for so long and I was so tired. I come across a little motel in a small town and decided to stop. I got a room and made it to my room and to the bed before I passed out. A few hours later gunshots ring through the hair and I let out a ear piercing scream and scramble to the bathroom. I was panting and shaking. Once I caught my breath that's when the pain set in. I look down to see my arm was bleeding. 

Demon's POV

Bullets flew the air and I heard a scream from the next room. I run out and knock on the door. No one answered so I knocked again. I quickly kicked in the door and my eyes widened seeing a woman huddled into the corner shaking. She was bleeding and when I stepped closer she whimpered. 

"Hey there little one. I'm not gonna hurt ya. I heard you scream and come to check on ya." I say with a soft tone

"It hurts" She whimpers 

"I know it does. Can I take a look?" I ask 

She looks down and then back at me and nods. I step closer moving slowly until I reach her. I look over her arm and sigh. 

"It's still in there little one. I'm gonna take you to see my friend who is a doctor. He will fix it right up alright?" I say 

She nods and stands on shakey legs. I offer her my arm but she doesn't take it. When I look up I see Tank standing at the door. 

"Could you get the ladies things and he vehicle and meet us at the compound? She is hurt and I need doc?" I ask softly

He raises a brow at me and I nod at her and he softens his face and nods. 

"Where are your keys little lady?" He asks softly

"On the table" She whispers

"No problem. I'll get everything for you" he says soft;y

When we walk out she stiffens and steps back into my chest when she says all the bikers standing around. 

"Come on little one. No one is going to hurt you." I say softly

She whimpers again and pushes back more. I bend down and scoop her in my arms and walk past all the guys. I jump on my bike and keep her in front of me and race to the compound. I get her inside quickly and into the infirmary. Doc rushes in and stops when he sees her flinch.

"Hey little one. This is my friend. Can he take a look?" I ask her softly

She looks at me with teary eyes and I sigh.

"Hey sweetheart. My name is Quin. I'm a doctor. Can I look at your arm?" Doc asks her while smiling

She relaxes a bit and nods. He steps closer and pulls on some gloves and sighs. 

"As I can see the bullet is still in there. I need to get it out. I can numb it and keep you awake or I can put you out and get it out and let you rest" He offers

"Awake" She whispers

"Alright sweetheart. Lets numb you up shall we" He says

He pulls out a needle and she whimpers. I reach for her hand and she latches onto it tightly. Doc comes over and he stops and looks at her. 

"Ready?" He asks

She nods and he sticks her and she whimpers and then he pulls it away to do it one more time. We sit there ten minutes waiting and then doc pushes around her wound. 

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