Fired up

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I slipped on my cut offs and my cowboy boots and slipped on my leather jacket and grabbed my keys. I drove to my best friends and she jumped in. I drove us to the arena and stepped out heading to our front row seats. When she show started he started off with Fire't up. We enjoyed the show and then headed back stage. He hadn't made it to his dressing room so I dropped down on his couch and kicked my feet up. I was drinking a beer when he walked in with his body guard and Ben his drummer.

"Who in the hell?" He snarls

I stand and smirk and finish off my beer. 

"BG man this is your new photographer" Paul says

His eyes widen and they look me up and down. 

"Tonight is my night off. I paid for the tickets for my best friends birthday. I was hired two weeks ago. I thought i'd come say hi. I will see you tomorrow to roll out."  I say

I salute them and walk out smirking. 


PJ picked me up the next morning and he helped load me on the bus. We had headed for New York and I had my ear buds in while cooking when they were ripped out of my ears. 

"Holy shit you scared me" I tell Brantley

"I've been calling your name for ten minutes." He says 

"Sorry. Guess it was up to loud" I say with a shrug

"I would say. Are you cooking for me as well or do I need to feed myself?" He asks 

"I'm making plenty" I say 

I put my ear buds back in and she bass hits through my veins and I roll my shoulders and neck and moan softly. I hear a chuckle and I look over at him to see him smirking.

"What?" I ask pulling out the ear buds again

"Your dancing and don't realize it" He says 

"Oh no I knew i was doing it. It happens every time I cook." I tell him

"And what's playing through those ear buds" He asks

I walk over plugging in my to the sound system and it plays rather loudly and I walk back to the stove. I start stirring again when my hips start moving again and then i'm singing along. When it ends I look over at Brantley and he was just watching me. 

"What?" I ask 

"Your good" He says 

"It's a hobby." I tell him

Some of my rap music comes on and I smirk. 

"How long are we gonna be in New York?" I ask 

"A week" He says 

I grin and go over picking up my phone and finding the club I can go to.

"What's with the grin?" He asks

"Looking for a club" I say 

"A club?" He asks

"For pole dancing" I say 

His eyes widen and I laugh.

"Not like stripping just pole dancing. I mean i'll make money but I love to dance. Always have. It's how I put myself through school. I was a stripper for a while" I tell him honestly

He chokes on his beer and I smirk. 

"Really?" He asks

"Yes really. these muscles dont just come from nothing. I worked for them." I tell him

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