MMA Fighter Part 2

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It had been three months and I was working in a hospital here in California. Derek was nice enough to let me live with him. Nina had a full house and Derek was the next best thing. 

"Headed to the gym." Derek says popping in my door

"I'm coming" I say grabbing my bag

He nods and drives us to the gym. I go in the locker room and throw on my work out clothes and I head for the treadmill. I ran for about a hour and then I grabbed my mat and went over and laid it out in front of the mirror. I did some yoga poses and tried to calm my muscles. 

"Holy shit" I hear behind me

I look up to see Xavier and I wink at him. He chuckles and grabs my ankles. I laugh and kick him off and flip back over and I look up at him.

"How you holding up babe?" He asks

"I'm ok. tired." I say rolling my shoulders

 "I bet. Wanna curl up to a movie tonight?" He asks me

"Xav I don't if that's a good idea" I tell him

"Why?" He asks

"Nina?" I say 

"I let that go. She's serious about this guy and I want her to be happy" He tells me

"Just as friends" I tell him

"I'm your best friend" He says like I offended him

"Of course you are X" I say hugging him

He wraps his huge arms around me and I lay my head over his heart and close my eyes sighing. I feel him kiss the top of my head and hug me closer. 

"Hey shortie wanna teach a yoga class?" Hank shouts

I look over at him and smile softly. 

"I can on Tuesdays and Thursdays. My other days i'm at the hospital" I say

"Alright i'll get the word out. Now get in the ring and get that anger out and go home" He tells me

"I'm fine. I just need a hot shower and a glass of wine. I'm gonna head home" I tell him

He nods and his wife walks in very pregnant. I go shower and change my clothes and when I come out Axel was talking with Derek. 

"Ready?" He asks seeing  me

"Yeah. I'm tired" I tell him

"Alright well let's get you home and in bed" He says wrapping a arm around me 

"Hey D i'll be over in a bit" X calls 

"Alright. Bring wine and strawberries" I call out

"Craving again?" He asks her

"Yes" I call out

My eyes started to droop and my body sagged and then my knees gave out

Xavier's POV

Her legs gave out and Derek was thankfully close enough to hoist her up into his arms. 

"Holy shit is she ok?" Axel asks in a rush

"She's fine. She hasn't been sleeping to go" I say pushing past him

I take her from Derek and he grabs their gym bags and we head to his house. When I get her to her room I lay on the bed and walk over grabbing her pajamas she loves. I walk over and strip her down when Axel walks in.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He snarls at me

"I'm changing her clothes jackass. She hates sleeping in her jeans" I snap at him

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