Our Baby Boy

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Warning- Abuse, cussing, rape.

Jamie's POV

I was ready to find the perfect baby boy for us. We had been to several pet shops looking but none were sticking out to us.

"Babe we will find one" Jonah tells me

"what if we dont?" I ask

"We will. Let's check this last place and if we don't find one we will start looking into breeders" He tells me

"Alright" I say sighing

We got and went into the shop and when we entered everything got quiet.

"Hello how may I help you?" A small little girls voice says

"We are looking for a pet. A boy" Jonah says

"A little?" She asks softly

"Yes" I say

"alright well their information is on their cages. Have a look and just give a call if you need me" She whispers and scurries away

I noticed she was a kitten hybrid and was scared as hell. I looked a Jonah and he nodded and we started looking around. I walked up to a cage and the little hybrid shrunk back as I pick up him chart. I read it over and called Jonah over and he nodded. He went to get the little girl and bring her over and she looked at us shocked.

"Are you sure about him? He has a major hissing problem and bites" She tells us

"That's ok. We can knock that outta him" Jonah says

"We will take him." I say

"alright." She says unlocking the cage

"Sweetheart" I say

"Yes sir?" She says looking up at me

"Are you owned?" I ask

"No sir. I've been brought back several times. Master only wanna use me and breed me and then they bring me back. The owner of the shop makes me work here since I keep getting brought back" She says bowing her head

"Go get me your file" Jonah says

She nods and walks over and comes back handing it over.

Name- None

Hybrid- Kitten

Weight- 90 lbs

Height- 4'3

Age- 16

Has been bred several times. Been raped. Can take orders well.

I read over everything with Jonah and looked at him and he nodded softly.

"Go get the owner sweetheart" I tell her

She tenses but nods and walks away and comes back with a dirty looking man.

"Can I help you?" He asks

"Yes we want to purchase this hybrid and the girl as well" Jonah says stepping up

The man's jaw drops and he grunts but nods and he yanks the boy out and drags him to the front and we follow. He clips on a leash to his collar and then one to the girl who flinches when he tugs on the leash harshly. We fill out the paperwork and pay for them both and we head to the car. We place the boy in the carseat and I buckle the girl in and sigh. When we get back home we take a seat in the living room and she kneels at our feet.

"First off your name will be Addison. Secondly are you a little?" I ask her softly

"Sometimes. Not like him. I like it when I'm scared or really tired. The longest i've slipped into my headspace was a week." She says softly

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