Fucked over

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My life was a complete mess. My ex totally fucked me over and I was done with it. His step brother just happened to be my best friend but I never expected for him to turn on me to. I was a orphan and had no one so when Nathan and I became friends I fell in love with his family. But with me and his brother fighting all the time and taking our drama to his house he informed me that I wasn't family. It hit me hard so I left and went back to my apartment and packed up my things. I dropped out of school and sighed. I was standing in my living room looking at all my boxes ready to be shipped to where I was moving. There was a knock on my door so I walked over and opened it to find Nathan, Kim, and Greg standing there looking at me. 

"Can we come in?" Nathan asks

I nod and step aside and they all come in. When they see my boxes they all spin around and look at me in shock.

"Are you moving?" Nathan asks

"I am" I say with no emotion in my voice

"Natalie why?" He asks me

"Because I don't belong here. You made it perfectly clear." I snap at him

"What?" Kim says in shock

"Nathan was so gracious to let me know i'm not family. Axel and I fight to much and I can't keep bringing my bullshit to your door. Your son was nice enough to put it to me bluntly. I'm moving away from this hell hole and everyone else" I say wtih smile

"Where?" Greg asks

"Doesn't matter. I don't want anyone knowing where I am going" I say crossing my arms

"Nat" Nathan says

"Don't. You said what you needed to say so just leave it alone" I tell him

There was another knock on my door so I walk over and open it to find the moving company. 

"Everything is ready guys" I say

They nod and start loading all my boxes. Once they were done I did one more sweep through to make sure I didn't forget anything and the whole time they stood there and watched. 

"Natalie" Kim says

"Yeah?" I say and look at her

"My son is a idiot. You are family sweetheart" SHe tells me

I bust out laughing and by time I was done I had tears streaming down my face. 

"No KIm i'm not. I don't fit into your perfect family. My own family didn't want me so yall are no different" I snap 

She flinches and Nathan looks at me in shock. I walk to the door and pick up my keys and take my door key off and hand it to my landlord. 

"Kick them out when your ready." I tell Mr. Sims

"We will miss you sweet girl" Mrs. Sims says

"I'll call once i'm settled" I tell her and hug her

She pats my cheek and I leave. 

1 year later

I found a job as a photographer for a hockey team and the guys had become family. They knew my story but I left out some parts. 

"Nat" Banks shouts

"What?" I call back

"Fix it" He cries out

I laugh and walk over and put some of his palmade on my hands and run it through his hair and he sighs. Once it was fixed he smiled and kissed my forehead. 

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