A thought struck Evelyn's mind.

"Luke," she nudged, "The party is today."

He did not answer, his breathing slow and rhythmic against her.

She nudged his shoulder once more, "Luke" Evelyn whined. Evelyn lifted his shirt up from the back absentmindedly, running her nails against the soft skin in an attempt to get him moving.

It worked.

"Okay, okay" he sat up slowly, his curly hair hanging in his face, "I should get going to my house and getting my family ready."

Evelyn nodded, knowing how long his two brothers and his parents would take to get ready for a party.

Considering their few showers.

"Oh," he turned back, "I'm going to bring everyone's gifts here."

She nodded, unsure of what that meant for her.

He furthered, "I want to steal you away sometime during the night to give you yours, okay?"

Evelyn thought about her gift for Luke.

Her multiple gifts to Luke.

But the one that she was most nervous for, was driving. She had spent day after day prepping and practicing with Ashton, Hailey, anyone would give her the time of day.

Though there was fear that still coursed through her every time she stepped up to the wheel, her love for Luke overwhelmed it.

Now if she could just keep that fear under control when she showed him tonight.

That, would be great.


"Michael get out I'm getting ready!"

Her brother pushed against the door, "Do you have your night dress?"

She rolled her eyes, holding the satin, black dress that she had bought from the mall a few weeks prior.

"And your casual dress?"

Evelyn pulled out a short, red dress for later in the night in case she got tired. With them was a pair of flats to change out of her black heels.

Which would definitely happen.

God we have too much money for our own good.

She took the dress out of its bag, holding it in front of her.

(this is the dress^^)

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(this is the dress^^)

Carefully, she slipped the dress on, flattening it out in the front. The low back tied off with the strings as she made sure it would not loosen.

Evelyn put a thin eyeliner on, making sure it did not smudge.

I'm surprised these wings were even.

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