57- Little Bitch Boy

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"We have to do something," Hailey whispered to Ashton, their bodies in the hall adjacent to the doorframe.

Ashton murmured back, "I know but what?"

There, in the room they were staring into, was Evelyn and Kate. She was laid down on the bed, curled up into a ball next to him. He couldn't touch her- didn't know how to comfort her or in what way other than being there in her presence.

It was better that way anyways- Evelyn didn't really feel like being touched by anyone right now.

It is better if I just sleep here until I die.

She knew it was slightly dramatic, but she couldn't help it. Her life was crumbling all around her, consistently.

Rarely was Evelyn able to eat, do anything other than stay in bed. She couldn't even sleep, just staring at her wall of her room until her eyes got dizzy.

It was horrible.

"Alright," Ashton turned abruptly on his feet and left down the hall. Hailey, confused, jogged after him, watching him pulling out his phone as he stuffed his feet in his shoes. She blinked, confused.

Ashton turned to press a kiss to her forehead, "I texted Calum to come over here in my place; he should be here any minute."

She nodded, gripping his shirt to stop him from leaving, "But where are you going?"

He sighed for a moment, ruffling his hair, "Michael's." 

Then, he left.

It was a quick drive to their mom's house, Ashton quickly getting out and knocking on the door. To his surprise, though, he should have already known, the door was unlocked. He stepped into the house unsurely, looking around for their friend.

Drunken clatter led him down the hall to a side room. It was an appalling sight. Michael, Patrick, and what Ashton only vaguely recognized as the drug addict group of the school were all seated on the couches together.

Beers were half drunken, spilled over. Pizza boxes piled up, with other junk thrown around. It, quite literally, looked like a frat house.

Of course, Karen enabled this behavior.

But out of everything he saw, the most surprising was Michael's hair color- he dawned a new, dark purple on his head.

It really was a midlife crisis- in his teenage years. He had always dyed his hair during big moments in his life, and it appeared this was a big enough moment for that.

"Michael!" Ashton shouted, kicking a few things out of his way to get closer to the boy. It was still unnerving to see him so unorganized.

Michael laughed sluggishly, "Ashton! What are you doing here?'

"Your sister is miserable! Luke broke up with her for your fucking bonehead," Ashton gritted as Michael's face began to lose the smile. His eyebrows furrowed heavily.

He tired to stand up, falling back once more in his seat when he couldn't hold himself up, "Yeah well, it had to happen."

Ashton launched at him, gripping Michael's shirt so hard that the tightening nearly caused him to choke.

Patrick and the other guys jeered, but he ignored them. They weren't helping Michael anyways.

"Your sister does not eat, does not sleep, barely even breathes," Ashton let those words ring in Michael's head before continuing, "All because of you."

Michael avoided his eyes as Ashton scoffed, shoving him back in his seat.

"That bitch deserves it," Patrick chimed in.

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