44- Mall

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"I have no idea what I'm going to wear to your Christmas party Eve," Ashton admitted as Hailey turned to look at him with confusion and suspicion.

Every Christmas, Evelyn's father had a large dinner party. It was always very formal, and unfortunately for Evelyn, she never had a date to take with her.

Patrick never wanted to go with her, and she never had a date otherwise. It was pretty lonely for her, with all of her friends bringing random dates, sometimes each other.

This time, on the other hand, would be different.

She had Luke.

Hailey smacked her boyfriend, forcing the boy sit up and rub his head, "I literally picked a suit out for you yesterday."

"But I want to go buy a new one," he groaned, rolling on the ground.

Michael laughed, sipping on a soda in his hand. He grabbed a coaster and carefully put it down before placing his drink on it, "You have at least 6 suits."

"I want a new one. We are getting a new one."

Evelyn spoke up, "I need a new dress? Maybe we could all go shopping on Friday?"

Everyone at the table looked at each other, nodding in agreeance. She pulled out her phone, texting Kate, who was currently at a meeting with a teacher.

Then, her finger hovered over Calum's name. Things did not really go back to normal after his feelings for Evelyn was exposed to her.

Yet, she desperately wanted it to be.

Luke whispered to her under his breath, "I know you want to invite him. It's okay- do it."

People can't control feelings.

They can only control how they treat each other.

Eve: We're going to the mall. Want to come?

Cal: Is your brother going to be there?

Eve: Yes, but it's fine with him.

She was lying through her teeth, but her heart couldn't bear to just let him be excluded.


Friday came sooner than expected, and there they all were.

At the mall.

They were walking in a large group, annoying basically everyone else in the mall. Loud, rambunctious teenagers roaming through the halls of the mall. 

It was tense between Calum and Luke right away, but it was moreso only from Luke's side. Every look was reciprocated with a glare, a stern face, a curt nod.

Calum had less of a clue why Luke was short with him. He figured it was because he was best friends with Michael, and he was sticking to his friend.

Michael had his eyes glued to Calum the entire time they saw each other. Evelyn couldn't tell if Michael wanted to kill Calum or wanted to just make him leave.

Probably the former.

Small discussions erupted between them as Evelyn walked beside Luke. Though she couldn't touch him or hug him with the others around, it was enough to be beside him. His presence calmed her in ways she was not calm around anyone else.

He noticed her bitten lip, the worry etched on her face. Evelyn's eyes darted through the halls, catching on nothing in particular.

"What's on your mind?" He nudged her slightly with his shoulder, making sure to be subtle with the action.

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