Chapter 18

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVE!" shouted Cleo as she jumped on the sleeping girl's bed.

Eve woke up to an overly excited Cleo and a very stoned Rhea.

"I'm awake bitch damn", laughed Eve, pushing Cleo off her bed. Cleo fell to the ground with a loud bang, letting out a laugh.

"You're finally 16 and not a baby", Rhea said smoothly. Rhea was considerably the oldest. She was 17 and was in sixth year which made no sense and Eve didn't mind.

"How does it feel to be a year older?" Cleo asked as she got up and sat on Eve's bed.

"It feels fantastic. Waking up to a screaming Gryffindor", satirized Eve. Cleo laughed as she got off Eve's bed, walking over to the door.

"Get ready sluts, we're going out", Cleo remarked before leaving the Slytherin dorms.

Eve got up, stretching her limbs out. She looked at Rhea, who seemed to be at absolute peace as she sat in a chair by one of the windows. Although their dorms were under the Black Lake, it seemed so much more ethereal.

"Are you going to get ready?" Eve asked, staring at Rhea. The petite girl nodded before standing up and walking over to her dresser.

Eve began to look through her closet, eyeing every piece of clothing she had ever owned. She finally decided on a black pleated skirt, green flannel and a black tank top to go underneath.

"Rhea, would boots or Mary Janes look better?" Eve asked, showing her outfit to her friend. She watched as Rhea put her hair into a half up ponytail, eyeing Eve.

"Throw on fishnets with black over-the-knee socks and I think the boots would pull it all together", she answered while she continued to get dressed.

Eve nodded, following her best friend's advice. She threw on her necklace and waited for Rhea so they could go down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Hurry up guys", Cleo said as she entered the dorm.

"How do you always get in?" Eve asked. She had always been curious as to how Cleo had access to the Slytherin common room as it was well hidden.

"Malfoy is always coming in and out", Cleo said. "Or I just wait for someone to enter so I can follow them in".

The girls all walked down the hallways, entering the Great Hall.

Eve looked around the room, searching for him. Why am I looking for him? Eve thought. I better stop thinking about him.

She noticed the dark haired boy sitting in his group, appearing cold and distant as always. Eve sat down with her friends as they all smiled at her.

"Happy birthday", Briar said as she smiled at her. Eve smiled at her, not knowing what else to say.

An owl suddenly flew into the Great Hall, dropping a letter on Eve, letting it fall gracefully on the table.

"Who sent you that?" Briar asked, her mouth full of eggs. Eve looked up at her as she held the letter in her hands, looking at the letters. It was from her mother.

"My mother", Eve replied. She opened it and pulled out the letter, revealing its contents.

Dear Evie,
Happy birthday to the best thing that has ever happened to me. I miss you dearly and I hope you truly find yourself this year. Your father would've been happy to see how you've grown. I'm sorry for not sending owls often, I've been working lately and I get tired. I love you my little bunny
Love, Mum

Eve smiled, folding up the letter. She loved her mother dearly and missed her a lot too. She mentally noted that she would send her an owl later in the day, hopefully.

"Come on, I'm taking you guys out somewhere", Cleo nudged. The girls all exited the Great Hall, talking happily.

Tom watched Eve as she left, a plan formulating in his head.

"Where are they off too?" asked Emanuel.

"Hogsmeade", mentioned Robert. "It's Noir's 16th birthday".

Eve laughed as she took a huge sip of Firewhiskey, the burning sensation coming shortly after.

The girls were all in Three Broomsticks, having a good time. Cleo loudly laughed as she took a swig of Butterbeer, nearly falling out her seat. The girls all laughed at this as they were quite under the influence but could still think straight.

"You know what", Cleo began. "I think McLaggen has the smallest dick ever". Briar Atwood and Juliet Sawyer shrieked with laughter in response to Cleo. Eve smiled at the girls as she delicately put a cigarette between her lips and lit it.

"Mulciber has the most weirdest sounding moans ever", Rhea admitted. Eyes around the table widened as she said this. "We were making out and we were feeling each other up and he squeaked".

"What the hell", Juliet said as she let out a slight giggle. Eve observed Juliet. The girl had bright red curly hair, massive bunch of freckles, and huge blue eyes.

"I always felt like you Mulciber would end up having a thing", Eve said as she exhaled the toxic fumes.

Rhea shrugged. "He's just into gothic art like me", she said.

The girls chatted for another couple of hours until it got dark out. They walked back together at Hogwarts, splitting up as they went their own ways.

"See you tomorrow Eve", Cleo said. "Oh by the way, happy birthday". She gave Eve a hug before running off. Eve smiled as she continued to make her way towards the Slytherin common room.

"Pureblood", she said, the door opening to reveal the common room's dark ambiance. She saw a figure sitting at the couch, the familiar energy slighting shocking her.

"Happy birthday princess", said Tom, his attention focused on Eve. She turned and smiled at him, watching him get closer.

"Thank you Tom", she smiled as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I don't think you have received my present yet, have you?" he asked, his finger lifting up her chin as he looked into her eyes.

Eve noticed his eyes grow darker, the tension growing between them. She could feel a tingling sensation in her lower region as she bit her lip.

"I haven't received it yet, Riddle", she whispered seductively. She closed her eyes as she felt Tom press his lips against her soft ones, his tongue slipping into her mouth. She could feel his hard bulge pressed against her body as she looked up.

"Follow me darling", he murmured as he held her hand. They entered his dorm, Tom locking it behind him.

"Are you a virgin Evangeline?" he asked as he pinned her to the wall by her neck.

She let out a soft gasp as she felt his grip around her throat tighten a bit.

"I am", she breathed.

"Good", he whispered, attacking her lips.

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