Chapter 32

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For the past few months, Eve began to notice how strange everything has become. Lestrange and Avery seemed to follow her or be in her area whenever she left her dorm. Cleo seemed to be irritated due to Aurelia and Rhea was happily in love with Robert Mulciber. However the only person who remained by her side was Tom. And she was happy for that.

"Have you noticed how Avery and Lestrange are always seemingly following us wherever we go?" Rhea noted. Eve looked up at her, nodding.

"It's unusual", Eve spoke. The two girls sat in the Great Hall, relaxing for lunch. At the end of the table sat Emanuel, Jude, Robert, Atticus, Fabian and Abraxas. Tom was nowhere to be seen.

Eve spotted Aurelia walking towards Rhea and her, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Shit", Eve muttered under her breath, Aurelia sitting down.

"Hey guys", Aurelia said. Eve stared at her, observing her very vulgar movements, flipping her hair very often.

"If you continue flipping your hair like that, you'll go bald", Eve snapped.

"Sorry love", Aurelia sneered. Eve shot her a glare as she scooted towards the boys, her arm touching Jude Avery's.

"I hate that fucking cunt", Rhea said as she stood up. "Come on, let's get to class".

Eve stirred the potion that was currently brewing, Tom staring at her. He always enjoyed how concentrated she looks, her black hair tucked behind her ear, a few strands sticking to her forehead, cheeks slightly flushed due to how busy she had been.

"Let me help you", Tom said as he took the cauldron from her, stirring the potion. She sat down, running her fingers through her hair as she eyed the rest of the class.

Everyone was learning how to make calming draught. The Potions room smelled of peppermint and lavender as some potions had small accidents.

Tom carefully added in the last ingredient before mixing it in, stirring clockwise then counterclockwise. He watched Eve stand up, staring into the bluish-purple potion.

"Interesting color", Eve said as she stared at the potion.

"Tom m'boy", Slughorn said. "This potion looks beyond perfection".

"Shall we try it out on someone?" Tom suggested, looking around the room.

"That won't be necessary until someone is in absolute shock", Slughorn smiled. "But tomorrow I think we will".

Eve smiled at Tom, her eyes glistening with slight bliss. He smiled back at her, the potion emitting a neatly thick smoke.

"Come on", Eve said, grabbing her bag. "Let's go to the library". Tom smiled as he trailed behind her, leaving the classroom.

"Hello Riddle", Aurelia smirked as she walked past him, entering the Potions classroom. Tom glared at her, not saying a word as he continued behind Eve, her black hair flowing behind her.

As the two teenagers entered the library, they walked to a very secluded corner, far from anyone. Eve placed her bag down, Tom sitting down next to her. She pulled out a cigarette and placed in her mouth, smirking at Tom as she playfully held a lighter, daring to light to cigarette.

"You're such a tease Noir", Tom whispered as he pulled out a cigarette, Eve flicking on the lighter as she and Tom came closer to the flame, lighting their cigarettes. They pulled away, smiling devilishly at each other.

"You're so brave Riddle", Eve smiled as she blew out the smoke, Tom watching her press the cigarette to her lips. He never realized how rebellious Eve was until this moment.

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