Chapter 34

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Running through the crowd, I screamed for her.


No response.

I ran through the crowd now, pushing through people. Where the fuck was she?

I could feel my hands become clammy as I saw black hair, a body laying on the ground. Running towards her, I suddenly noticed the blood streaming down her arms.

"Oh my God!"

Tom awoke from his nightmare, reading the clock that was punched to the wall.

3:48 in the morning.

He stood up, quietly opening the door as he crept out into the hallway, making sure to look behind him every once in a while.

As he neared Eve's door, he gently tapped on, hearing a muffled moan coming from beyond the door. He opened it slowly, peering in to see Eve, who seemed to be twisting and turning in her sleep. Closing the door softly, he walked towards her bed.

"Please don't go", she mumbled, her eyes shut. It was obvious she was sleep talking. Tom kneeled down next to her bed, placing his hand on her face. Her eyes snapped open, fear engulfing her pupils as she stared at him. Unbeknownst to her, she was in a sleep-like trance but Tom was fully awake.

"Tom?" she breathed. She sat up and inched closer, her eyes still wide with fear.

"It's me darling", he whispered. "You're okay".

"I...I dreamed or had a dream that you left me", Eve mumbled. She scooted over in her bed, allowing Tom to join her under her sheets.

"I would never do that", Tom said as he immediately wrapped his arms around her, inhaling her dark raspberry scent. He closed his eyes, feeling somewhat at peace.

"I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose, my little girl", Tom mumbled as he felt her body relax against his.

"Please don't hurt me", she softly breathed, falling back into her deep sleep. Tom blinked before he softly kissed her earlobe.

"I won't".

Eve awoke, the sun rays flooding her room. She felt herself shift a bit, two strong arms wrapped around her. She turned her head to see Tom, his eyes closed, chest rising up and down as he breathed. Eve managed to move out of his strong grip, sitting up next to him. She watched him breathe, his body slowly stirring as he began to feel the bed, searching for Eve.

"Tom, I'm here", Eve whispered as he began to stroke his hair. He opened his eyes, holding her hand then closing his eyes. His lips met the skin of her hand, kissing it before holding on to her tightly.

Eve smiled, watching the sun rays dance on Tom's bare back. She ruffled with his curls, his eyes fluttering open.

"Good morning", she said softly as he looked up at her. Tom slowly sat up, moving a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Hello darling", Tom replied. His voice was raspy, sending chills up Eve's spine.

"How did you get in here?" she asked, not recalling Tom entering her room.

"I...I had a nightmare", Tom hesitated. He looked at Eve, who seemed to be reading his face.

"So did I", she replied. Tom stared at her.

"You don't remember anything from last night?" he asked.

"No, I think I was so absorbed in my nightmare that I didn't even realize I was awake", explained Eve. Tom nodded, wrapping an arm around her. She laid against him, his lips pressing a kiss on her forehead before he rested his chin at the top of her head.

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