Chapter 7

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Eve followed the other students off the train. She walked by Rhea who seemed to know her way to the school. The two girls chatted until Eve was stopped by an older man.

"Ah you must Evangeline Noir", said the man. "I'm Professor Dumbledore".

"Lovely to meet you sir", Eve smiled.

"Likewise. Now follow me, Eve", instructed Dumbledore. "Have you been sorted into a house yet?".

"No I just got here", Eve answered. "Was I supposed to be sorted before I got on the train?".

"Oh no, I was just curious. Do you want the Sorting ceremony to happen in Headmaster Dippet's office or would you prefer to have it in the Great Hall?"

Eve thought about her options as she followed Dumbledore into the castle. She liked to keep things private but she also didn't want to have to introduce herself to loads of kids.

"I think having the ceremony in the Great Hall would be perfect", Eve voiced.

"Good idea", replied Dumbledore. "You'll be sorted before the first years, I'll go and talk to Headmaster Dippet". And with that, Eve was left alone in the huge hallway.

Eve felt a hand on her shoulder, causing her to whip around.

"Gosh took me long enough to find you", Rhea stated. "You should change into your robes for the ceremony".

Tom hadn't seen the girl since the train. He sat at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall with his fellow minions.

"I hope that Beauxbatons girl is in Slytherin", Abraxas said as he fiddled with his fingers.

I hope so too, Tom said to himself.

"She has a lovely face and maybe nice tits to go with her face", blurted Emanuel.

Tom had the urge to punch Lestrange but he had to maintain his composure as he was a Prefect and had to set a good example for the other students.

"Shut it Lestrange ", Tom spat.

Eve waited outside the Great Hall. She felt nervous. The first years were behind her, talking amongst themselves. She could hear Headmaster Dippet talking. Loud enough for her to hear.

"Today is a day of new beginnings and of course new students. Before we sort out the first years, I'd like to introduce our new student. Please welcome Evangeline Noir", he announced.

Eve watched the doors open, her hands fiddling with her robes. She felt so nervous, she could puke.

Hold your composure Eve, she thought. Taking a deep breath, she started to walk with confidence. She could hear whispers but that didn't take away her confidence.

Tom watched the girl enter, her black hair flowing behind her. He felt the buzzing intensify and it became more intense when he saw what was the cause of the red glint.

It was a silver key with a garnet jewel, the silver chain around her neck. His eyes observed her as she walked towards the front.

"God damn", muttered Jude, who kept his eyes on Eve.

"Shut it Avery", commanded Tom.

Headmaster Dippet put the Sorting Hat on Eve's head, letting it make it's final choice.

"Ah a Noir", said the Sorting Hat. "I haven't seen a Noir in a while. However it's an even more cunning Noir. This could be useful in the future".

Eve closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Slytherin!", shouted the Sorting Hat.

Cheers came from the Slytherin table. Rhea stood up and immediately went to go hug Eve.

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