Chapter 12

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Eve chose to skip her dorm that night. She decided that she and Tom would have to figure out what was causing the energy. In other words, be in his dorm.

"Being prefect must be a dream", Eve said, her eyes traveling around the room. She saw only one bed, which was huge, a desk, and other pieces of furniture.

"Totally. Catching kids making out. Catching dark haired girls sneaking into the Restricted Section of the library", Tom replied. "It's marvelous".

"I was in there for top secret business", Eve whispered. She laid her coat and beret on his chair, removing her shoes.

Tom watched her, how gracefully she did everything. The urge to pin her against a wall and do lustful things was insanely strong but Tom kept his composure, as they had just properly met.

"So I think I know what might be causing the energy", Eve spoke. She pulled out a book from her coat pocket, waving it around in the air.

Tom's eyes widened as he realized what she was holding.

"My dad apparently owned this", she added, flipping through the book. Tom had the same book in his room, he just had no idea that there had been copies.

"Secrets of the Darkest Art is a very forbidden book, Eve", stammered Tom. She looked up at him.

"You just called me by my first name", she smiled.

Fuck, Tom thought. She's just as observant as me.

"I feel as though this book might have the answer to our little problem here, Tom", she replied. He loved the way his name rolled off her tongue. It was like honey pouring out of its bottle, thick and mesmerizing.

"Please refer to me as Tom from now on", he whispered, walking closer to her.

Eve could feel his breath on the back her neck, goosebumps appearing all over her body.

"Anything you say Tom", she whispered.

He smiled to himself. I must make her mine, she is my equal. We will be powerful together, he thought.

Tom watched as she turned the pages, her fingers delicately caressing the pages as she turned them.

"Do you know what a Horcrux is?" Eve asked, turning to look at him. He stared into her eyes, his breathing becoming slower.

Eve could feel his breath on her face, his eyes watching her carefully. She observed his face, taking note of his dark brown eyes with a hint of emerald in them. He slowly leaned his head down towards her's, pressing his lips against her soft ones.

Tom closed his eyes as his hands found her waist, turning her so she faced him. He felt her hands snake up his chest, over his shoulders, and then connecting behind his back.

Eve wanted to stop and ask him about the Horcrux, but the urge to continue with what she was doing was strong.

His hand traveled up and down her back, pulling her closer. Eve could feel the bulge growing in his trousers as she gently grinded on him. He let out a soft groan. Eve pulled back.

"I barely even know you", she whispered before kissing him again. "Maybe we can talk in the library tomorrow?".

Tom looked down at her. "Of course we can. Would 1:00 pm work?". She nodded, leaning in to kiss him again. Tom held her tighter, as if it were their last moments on Earth. Eve pulled back.

"Are you going to the party tomorrow night in the common room?" she asked, moving a strand of hair behind her hair.

Tom watched her as she bit her lip, waiting for his answer.

"I'll be there".

Eve smiled. "I've got to head back to my dorm now".

"Why?" he asked, looking at her.

"Tom, it's almost one in the morning", Eve replied. He watched her as she grabbed her things, including the book. The energy felt more mellow this time. Strange, he thought.

"Goodnight Tom", Eve said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him. Tom leaned down, kissing her once more.

"Goodnight Evangeline".

Eve entered her dorm, her heart pounding. What have I done? she asked herself. She saw Rhea awake, drawing. Rhea looked up at her.

"Where the fuck were you?" she asked, petting Mika. Jinx was comfortably sitting on Rhea's bed.

Eve smirked. "Guess".

"Were you fucking Malfoy?" Rhea questioned, drawing in her book.

"No, what the fuck", Eve replied. "It's even better".

Rhea looked up from her drawing. Her eyes soon widened at the realization.

"You were with Riddle?" she asked, her huge eyes getting bigger.

Eve nodded, smiling to herself.

"You lost your virginity to Tom fucking Riddle!" shouted Rhea. She was happy her friend was finally getting some sort of action.

"No you idiot, I'm still a virgin", admitted Eve. "We just made out and kind of felt each other up, you know?".

Rhea nodded. "Just don't fall in love with him Eve".

"Rhea darling, I don't love. I play", Eve coyly remarked. Rhea smiled at her.

Eve changed into a cream colored slip dress, the thought of Tom intruding her mind. The kiss was enchanting but she knew to not love him. Love scared her away. She saw how it destroyed her mother and she wouldn't let it destroy her. The idea of how sick love could be was drilled into her mind.

Do not love, it is sick and painful, Eve thought as she drifted off to sleep.

Tom sat at his desk, writing in his diary. He felt as though his feelings couldn't get any stronger.

Everything about her makes me want to own her, he wrote. Whenever someone talks about her, like how Lestrange does, I just want to fucking kill them. She's such a beautiful and clever witch, I want to make her mine. Although I can't love, I feel a strange feeling developing.

He closed his diary, staring towards his bed. Thoughts of marking Eve on his bed, naked, entered his mind. He was going to do everything in his might to make her his. He wanted her. He craved her. He needed her.

Tom laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling. I have to keep her away from Malfoy, he thought. Closing his eyes, all he could imagine was Eve.

Black satin. The necklace. Her soft skin. Her black hair. Her soft moans as he kissed her all over.

Tom smiled to himself as he drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

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