Chapter 54

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My dearest angel,
Thank you for writing and I am so sorry to hear about your break up with Tom! I hope you're holding up well at school. I miss you dearly and I love you immensely.

Cordelia stared at the paper, trying to think of other words to add onto the sheet. The book, she thought.

I was also wondering; why was your father's book was in Tom's room. Perhaps it was set there by mistake? I can't recall if we even packed it. Anyways I hope to see you very seen.
Cordelia Noir

As she finished writing, her eyes moved around the library.

"I hope she responds swiftly".

Eve held a book in her right hand, a piece of toast in her left hand. Her eyes scanned the words, processing each word that was written upon the page.

She had sent the letter to her mother more than a week ago and she had been anticipating a letter from her mother badly. Eve wanted to know what her mother thought of the break up.

"Hey", Rhea said as she plopped down across from Eve.

"What's up?" Eve asked as she stared at Rhea, who was now busy putting food onto her plate.

"Did you hear about the Yule Ball?" Rhea asked as she looked up. "Apparently it's happening".

"Isn't the Yule Ball supposed to accompany the Triwizard Tournament too?" Eve questioned as she closed her book.

"Well I guess", Rhea said uncertainly. "Headmaster Dippet will probably explain more details".

Eve nodded, not thinking much of it. Her eyes moved towards the Gryffindor table, where Judas Valmont was staring at her, his eyes practically searing into her soul.

What the fuck, Eve thought as she felt her appetite disintegrate. She laid the toast back onto her plate, picking up her book.

The sound of wings flapping is what distracted Eve from the awkward encounter, her gaze moving upwards to see owls flying above them.

As an owl passed over the girls, a letter began to flutter down upon Eve, her hands grabbing it before it landed on her head. She stared at the envelope, smiling as she realized it was from her mother.

"Lucky you", Rhea began. "My mother hardly ever owls me now".

Eve looked up from her letter, staring at Rhea before she began to tear through the wax seal. A smile began to form on her face as she unfolded the paper, reading the words.

My dearest angel,
Thank you for writing and I am so sorry to hear about your break up with Tom! I hope you're holding up well at school. I miss you dearly and I love you immensely. I was also wondering; why was your father's book was in Tom's room. Perhaps it was set there by mistake? I can't recall if we even packed it. Anyways I hope to see you very seen.
Cordelia Noir

Eve felt her eyes widen as she reread the last part, realizing that she hadn't seen the book in what felt like an eternity. She gently folded up the letter, tucking it into her book before facing the front.

"Why hasn't she written to you?" Eve asked. She watched as Rhea swallowed her orange juice, shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't know", Rhea began. "Perhaps it's caus-"

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