Chapter 58

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"Hair pin?", Eve asked as she turned around to face Rhea, who was busy applying a deep shade of red onto her lips.

"Here", Rhea said as she paced over to Eve, undoing a few rollers in her dark hair as she handed over a hair pin to Eve.

"Thanks", Eve muttered as she held some hair on the back of her head, pinning it down. Her fragile hands were currently working at her hair, creating a small bump on the back of her head. She tucked in the last pin, tucking the hair in securely before pulling at multiple strands of hair in the front of her head, framing her face neatly.

"Do you have a brush or something?" Rhea asked, her voice having a bit of a shake to it.

Eve scanned her desk with her eyes, grabbing a soft bristle brush. She held it out for Rhea, feeling as the brush was slipped out of her hand. She then moved her focus to her hair, making sure each curl was neatly brushed out before she stood up, slipping off her slip dress.

"Are you excited for the ball tonight?" Rhea asked as she unrolled one of the rollers that were stuck in her hair. Eve stared at her dress, breathing deeply.

"I suppose so", she breathed. "I'm supposedly going with Tom".

"He's not over you, Eve", Rhea announced. "It's obvious".

"I know he's not over me", Eve sighed. "He gets so angry if I don't listen to him, it's like...he's gotten more possessive".

Rhea shrugged her shoulders, quickly brushing through her hair. "It was bound to happen".

Eve furrowed her brows in confusion, shaking her head clear of all thought before she began to make her way into the elegant dress. All she wanted was to get the ball over with so she could go home for the break. Of course, going with Tom wasn't much of an option but Eve didn't mind. She was hoping he wouldn't pull another emotional card on her again.

"I am excited to go to the ball though", Eve began. "I think it will be a marvelous event".

Rhea hummed with agreement, stretching on her tights. Eve fixed the sleeves of her dress, moving her hair to the side before reaching behind her for the zipper.

"Could you zi-".

"Yeah", Rhea interrupted. Eve stood still, feeling as the zipper closed up, the dress feeling a bit more tighter around her bust. Eve turned to face Rhea, smiling slightly.

"You look like a princess", Rhea smiled. "I think Tom will like it?".

"You think so?" Eve asked, watching how the dress twirled a bit when she spun around lightly.

"I know so", Rhea said. "He always has that ravenous look in his eyes whenever he steals a glance at you".

Eve felt her cheeks warm up at this statement, biting the inside of her cheek a bit. She smiled at the thought of Tom staring at her in awe, his hand wrapping around her waist as they elegantly towards the ball.

"Are you nearly ready?" Eve asked, looking up. Rhea was in a black gown that had off-the-shoulder straps and a lovely train that wasn't insanely long. Her dark hair was held up in a neat yet simple bun, perfect for an event just like this.

"Mhm", Rhea hummed. "Robert said he will be meeting us at the ball".

"With Tom?".

"With Tom".

"I'm so nervous Riddle", Robert said as he fixed the cuffs of his button up shirt. Tom deeply sighed, not paying much attention to the nervous boy that stood beside him.

"I'm sure they'll show up", Tom coldly said. "They have to".

The Great Hall was out of it's normal decoration, replaced by the ice blue theme and a plethora of Christmas ornaments. Many students were dressed up in beautiful gowns and strapping suits - a major change from their casual wear of their robes.

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