Chapter 53

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A week had passed since the last encounter between Eve and Tom. By now, most of Hogwarts have been aware of their breakup due to their odd behavior towards each other.

Eve was sitting at the end of the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, slowly spreading butter on her toast.

She was currently experiencing the normal headache after a night filled with heavy drinking. The sound of footsteps approaching her caused her to lift up her head, seeing Rhea.

"I finally get to see you out of our dorm", Rhea smiled.

Eve nodded, sprinkling sugar and cinnamon onto her buttered toast.

"I had to leave anyways", Eve began. "I started to become bored with the mundane surroundings".

"Well that's good", Rhea said as she cut into her sausage. "I hope you're feeling better".

Eve took a bite of her toast, sorting out her answers in her head as she slowly chewed. Her eyes wandered around the Great Hall, staring at the random students enjoying their morning duties. She then moved her eyes towards the opposite end of the Slytherin table, her eyes meeting the familiar deep brown ones she'd looked into many times.

Tom stared into Eve's eyes, a stabbing pain filling his chest as their eyes made contact with each other. He noticed how much more thin she had gotten ever since their last encounter. Her eyes look drained of all happiness.

Eve looked away, feeling the familiar butterfly sensation in her stomach as she breathed deeply, taking another bite of her toast.

"I'm great", Eve responded. "I think".

"You should owl your mum", Rhea voiced as she swallowed her bacon. "She must be worried sick about you".

Eve blinked a few times, swallowing her toast. "I'll keep that in mind".

Tom entered the Potions class, observing how empty it was except for the back of someone's head. He walked in, slowly walking towards the figure before Slughorn noticed him, a cheerful smile appearing on his face.

"Tom m'boy!" he greeted cheerfully. "Early aren't we?"

"Absolutely", Tom said, plastering a smile on his face.

"You can join Eve and I", Professor Slughorn smiled. "We were just conversing about, eh, what was it again, m'girl?"

"N.E.W.T.s and the unique studying techniques", Eve said, her voice raspy and melancholic. Tom felt his heart flutter at her voice, wanting to hear more of it.

"Of course Professor", Tom said, walking towards the desk Eve was sitting. He sat beside her, staring at her. My little girl, he thought. She needs to rest.

Eve stared ahead, trying to focus on her breathing rather than the fact that Tom's stare was practically burning into her head. She stared at Professor Slughorn, who was busy pouring tea into porcelain cups.

"Good afternoon Noir", Tom said softly. Eve looked down, keeping the tension thick between them.

"Evening Riddle".

Tom bit the inside of his cheek, his eyes looking at her hand that laid on the table. Slughorn walked towards them with a tray of hot tea, setting it down.

"Earl grey", he smiled. "Just like how you like it, m'girl".

Tom observed Eve as she looked up at Slughorn, a warm, genuine smile spreading on her face. He felt his heart jump a bit, smiling a bit to himself.

"Thank you Professor", Eve smiled. "I very much appreciate your help".

"Ah no problem", Professor Slughorn said. "In times like these, we must all help each other. Right m'boy?"

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