Chapter 26

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Eve woke up, the snow falling outside. She smiled as she ran to Tom's room, knocking on it. Christmas was only a day away and Eve was eager to give Tom his gift.

Eve pressed her ear against Tom's door, hearing his footsteps get closer before opening the door, Eve falling into his chest. Tom smiled as he pulled her into his room, closing the door.

"My, my, aren't you so eager to see me?" Tom teased. Eve wryly smiled at him, hugging him tightly. She stood on her tiptoes as Tom kissed her forehead.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Eve asked as she sat on Tom's bed. She felt the bed sink as Tom joined her, wrapping his arm around her waist. She leaned towards him, her back laying against his chest.

In Tom's mind, he felt something for this girl. It wasn't love, as he couldn't feel love, but rather lust with jealousy combined. He wanted her all to himself and he would keep her close. He hated when Malfoy touched his girl or when one of his followers spoke to her. He hated when Eve got too close with her half-blood friend Cleo. Tom craved Eve in an obsessive way, he just didn't know how to express it properly without scaring her off. Together, their power together would forever be unmatched.

"Why do you always intend on going out for a walk the moment you wake up?" Tom asked as he held her closer, tighter to him. Her scent invaded his nose, inhaling it immediately.

"It's refreshing. Plus it's snowing too", Eve smiled as she looked up at Tom, their dark eyes meeting. The spark of energy shot through them, making her fall closer to him. He leaned in, kissing her soft lips gently.

"Also I think my mother isn't home", Eve noted as she stood up.

The snow crunching underneath the two teenagers was the only noise between them as they walked further away from the estate. Their breathing came out in puffs of smoke as the warm air escaping their mouths clashed with the ice cold air. The comfortable silence was interrupted by the sound of footsteps nearing them. Tom stopped in his tracks, holding Eve back.

A girl with auburn hair could be seen from the distance, her figure approaching Tom and Eve. She removed her hood, revealing it to be Caledonia Shanks.

"Hi Eve", Cleo beamed as she walked over to Eve, wrapping her arms around the black haired girl. Eve smiled as she hugged back, Tom giving off a slightly harsh ugh before Cleo turned to him.

"Riddle", she greeted in a pessimistic tone. Her attention then diverted to Eve, who was shooting Tom a very stern glare.

"I didn't think you'd live so close", Cleo remarked as she hugged herself, trying to remain some sort of warmth.

"I live back there", Eve said, nodding her head in the backwards direction of the luxurious estate. "It's kind of isolated from civilization".

Cleo laughed a bit, Tom's glare only worsening. He turned to stare at Eve, who seemed to notice him from her peripheral visions.

"Where you guys off too?" Cleo asked as the three of them began to walk towards the small town that was settled near Eve's home. The amount of snow had gradually been decreasing and it seemed to only get colder.

"I honestly don't know, we've just been exploring the area", Eve announced as she heard Tom light something. She turned to see a cigarette in his mouth, the smoke emitting from it in gentle swirls.

"That's cool", Cleo began. "My aunt from Scotland just came here, we're having a massive Christmas feast tomorrow and it's going to be quite grand".

"That's great. I think tomorrow's just gonna be a simple family get together dinner", Eve said. "However I genuinely don't know, my mom has been absent recently".

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