Chapter 56

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The library was quiet as Eve turned a page in her book, staring at the page. Her eyes were practically on the verge of falling out as she had not been sleeping properly for the past few weeks.

Her mind had been at a place that wasn't good for her - constantly thinking about Tom and what he was slowly brewing up.

The drinking, however, didn't get any better. Eve had managed to sneak wine into her lessons whenever it was possible; she felt hopeless.


Eve slowly moved her gaze up from her book towards the shelf in front of her, keeping her stoic composure.


"Tom asked me to leave this for you", Fabian began as he held a sheet of parchment in between his index and middle finger.

Eve looked up at him, her eyes boring into his as she took it from his hands, tucking it into her book.

"Could I ask you something?" Eve began, her eyes still focused on the boy.


Eve looked around before standing up, slamming the book shut.

"No", she began. "I believe the question I am wanting to ask you falls onto the more gruesome spectrum".

Fabian gulped as he watched Eve saunter past him, her fingers motioning for him to follow her as she walked out the door. She trailed her eyes around the empty corridors, making sure there wasn't a single soul in sight as she turned the corner, walking down the long hallway. The sound of their shoes clicking filled the silent air as he continued to follow her as though he were under a spell.

Then she paused, turning around to face him; strands of her onyx hair covering her face a bit, the shadow cascading down onto her eyes like trees covering a spot of grass in the meadow.

"Noir", Fabian said shakily. "What is it you intended on asking?"

"Three words", Eve spoke, the tone of dominance asserting her position.

"Tom and Muggleborn students".

"That's four wor-"

"Did I ask?"

Fabian stared into the eyes of the girl who was merely a few inches shorter than him - but he felt as though she could strangle him in just a few seconds if he didn't answer her. He looked away from her eyes which had struck him with an unwanted sense of fear.

"He hates them".

Eve watched as the boy in front of her gulped thickly, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Vulnerable.

"I never said stop".

"What do you mean?"

"Continue with your answer".

"He told us we couldn't ever talk about it. Not ev-"

"Did I ask about the rules of your little club though?"

"No, you didn't", Fabian muttered. "My apologies".

"Now tell me why he hates them and why he craves immortality".

Fabian breathed sharply, his eyes moving around the empty hall. Normally, he would have just sent the Cruciatus Curse hurling towards the girl, but no - this girl was special to Tom. And Tom wouldn't like it if he heard that someone had tortured his little girl. Especially if it were one of his loyal followers.

"It's because of his-"

But Fabian didn't know the answer. In fact, no one within the Knights of Walpurgis knew the true answer. Tom Riddle never spoke of it; and he intended on keeping it that way.

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