Chapter 3

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Eve felt weak. Extremely weak. It was as though she had died and came back, which in her case, she kind of did.

Her eyes inspected the room around her. The surge of power that the necklace emitted became too much for Eve to handle. She removed the necklace only to notice that the jewel looked as though it had became darker. Her eyes moved to the bodies on the floor. Only one was breathing and it was my mother, she thought. That's when she realized something.

Malcolm laid on the floor, eyes drained of life. His hands were as cold as ice. Eve walked over to her mother, hugging her.

"Are you alright mum?" she asked, looking into her mother's eyes. They were a lovely sky blue, the complete opposite of Eve's dark brown ones.

"I don't think so Evie, darling", she cried, holding onto her daughter. Cordelia felt pain. Not just physical pain but the pain Malcolm had caused over the past few years. She stood up weakly and looked around the first floor of the house. It all seemed to quiet.

That's until she spotted Malcolm, laying lifelessly on the floor.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck", Cordelia panicked as she ran over to his body. Eve watched her mother as tears streamed down her face. What the fuck, she thought.

Cordelia didn't know if she wanted to laugh or to cry. She was panicking because he was dead but she was also rejoicing on the inside. The bullshit she had to deal with had been over. But who killed him?, she thought.

"Eve, what happened here?" she questioned, looking over to her daughter. She knew that her precious Eve wouldn't hurt a single thing as she would regret it hopefully but now she was curious if that was even true.

"He...", Eve began. "He tried to kill me."

Cordelia's mind went from curiosity to concern. She knew Eve wasn't lying. Eve rarely lied because she was extremely close to her daughter and made sure she could trust her.

"Well at least he won't be here to cause us pain anymore", Cordelia breathed, trying to lighten up the situation. What would they do with the body though?

"I think Malcolm committed suicide, mum", Eve murmured. She saw what happened, she knew what happened. It just felt so odd.

"I could've assumed so, he seemed so...ready to pass", whispered Cordelia. She finally stood up and went to go examine Malcolm once more before finally making up her decision.

"Evangeline, we are going to move back to England".

Eve looked up at her mother. She hadn't seen England ever since her father passed. Oh how she missed her father. How he taught her all the things she knew now. Of course this news excited Eve on the inside. She missed England. France was lovely but she didn't settle properly and has always felt misanthropic towards it.

"What about Beauxbatons? And my friends, they'll be worried", blurted Eve. She didn't think this day would ever come.

"You can owl them, dearie", Cordelia replied. She was currently calling places to figure out what to do with a victim of suicide.

Although Malcolm's main target was Eve, not him. But what goes around, comes around.

Eve began to tidy up her room. She felt as though her time at France was ending and it felt strangely magnificent. She already had her wand and every single thing she would need. Her black cat Jinx sat at the edge of her bed, staring up at her with his huge green eyes. She smiled at Jinx and proceeded to clean her room.

"We're going back home, Jinxy baby", Eve cheered. For once, she actually felt happy.

Tom sat at his desk in his room, looking out the window.

He had been at the grave more often now, speaking to this Lawrence Noir man. He had no idea who he was, all he knew was that he was dead.

It was getting closer towards the end of summer break and Tom anticipated the train ride back to Hogwarts. He then felt that pang of energy. Again.

What is this feeling, he wrote in his diary. It feels as though my hands are sweating and my vision is shaking. My mind is racing along with my heart beat. I have felt as though I am falling but I have the full support of the floor underneath me. Maybe I should speak to Lawrenc- No, I shouldn't. What does a silly ghost know about me? Nothing.

Tom sighed, closing his diary. He wanted to understand more but lately Lawrence Noir just seemed to become more aware of what was soon to happen. Of course it was strange but not enough to make heavy assumptions. He was prepared for whatever awaited him at Hogwarts and he would not let it get into his way.

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