Chapter 14

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"Pureblood", Eve said to the door of the common room. As the girls entered, they began to notice how many people from different houses were there.

"I never thought I would see a Hufflepuff in a Slytherin common room", Eve said to a Cleo, who was busy rolling a joint.

Eve spotted Malfoy from across the room. His white hair and pale skin gave him away. He was deeply engaged in a conversation with someone.

"What have you got there Shanks?" a voice sang out. Cleo looked up to see Nott, Avery, and Rosier.

"Top quality spliff", she replied as she finished rolling the joint. Eve smiled as she watched Cleo light the joint, smoke coming out of her mouth. The girls sat on a couch in a secluded corner, giving Eve a full view of the entire common room.

Tom exited his dorm only to walk into a packed common room. He could smell marijuana and alcohol, the combination of both exciting him a bit. His eyes scanned the room, falling upon a certain someone.

Eve sat on a black leather couch, alone. She had a cigarette in her mouth, a zippo lighter in her hands. He watched as she lit it, inhaling the smoke and exhaling it. She looks so beautiful, Tom thought.

His eyes then saw Abraxas walk over to Eve. Oh fuck no, he thought. Tom made his way over to Eve.

"Hello Tom", she said. Her words were more slurred together and she looked as though she was going to fall asleep.

"Hello Eve", Tom said as he sat next to her on the couch. She laid her head on the arm rest, observing the room.

Tom watched her, her hair delicately falling over her face. He leaned over to move the hair behind the hair to observe her face.

"Hello Riddle", sneered Abraxas. It was obvious that Tom's presence bothered him.

"What's your fucking problem Malfoy?" Tom spat. Eve looked up at the slight and unpleasant commotion.

"Can you guys fuck off?" she said, her words sounding as though they were all connected.

"You're not involved in this Noir", Abraxas said.

Eve glared at Abraxas, then sending a glare to Tom. It was obvious that she was drunk. Insanely drunk.

Tom glared at Abraxas before going to get a drink himself. He poured himself a shot of vodka, then another, and another.

Eve watched as Jude Avery and Fabian Rosier walked up to Abraxas. They then approached her, sitting next to her on both sides.

"Enjoying the party Noir", Jude whispered as his hand crawled up Eve's thigh.

"You're dressed like such a whore tonight", murmured Fabian. She then saw Emanuel Lestrange approach her. God damnit, Eve thought.

"Be a good girl Eve and follow us", Lestrange said softly.

Rosier and Avery linked their arms with Eve's, yanking her off the couch. Her legs wobbled as she tried to maintain her composure.

Tom had another shot, his attention being diverted to a nearby conversation being held.

"Is that Rosier and Avery?" asked Juliet Sawyer, a Gryffindor. Her friend Alouette Mooreston, a Hufflepuff, looked behind Tom.

Tom turned his head to see Lestrange, Rosier, Avery, and Eve. Eve, his brain repeated.

He watched as Eve was being moved by them, being taken to a more secluded place. The sudden rush of energy combined with his drunken state overpowered him.

"What the fuck are you doing Rosier!" shouted Tom. The whole room watched as the handsome Slytherin rushed over to Eve, who seemed passed out.

"You're such a cunt Lestrange", whispered Tom as he grabbed Eve from them. "I'll deal with you later, friends".

The scent of firewood and cologne brought Eve back from her passed out state. She looked up at Tom then heard a crowd cheering. Her eyes trailed up to see Cleo, drunk and high, dancing on a table with McLaggen.

"You're fucking amazing Cleo!" Eve yelled, laughing. Cleo jumped down from the table, running over to Eve. Cleo closed her eyes as she leaned forward, the two girls kissing, the crowd cheering out of excitement and shock.

Tom watched as Eve and Cleo kissed, right in front of him. He watched as the girls pulled away from each other, laughing in an absolutely drunken state.

At that moment, Tom noticed how happy Eve looked. Her dark hair sticking to her sweaty forehead, her black eyes glistening with bliss. Her black slip dress sticking to her curves when she danced. She looked so perfect. Too perfect.

Eve felt as though she were unreal. Her mind was in a different universe as she danced, sweaty bodies all around her. Her eyes scanned the room, looking for Tom.

"Tom where are you?" was all she managed to make out before she felt two strong hands grab onto her waist, pulling her back. She turned around to see Abraxas, his eyes bloodshot red.

"Hello Noir", he said. She began to feel shaky, panic flooding her mind.

"Where's Tom?" she asked, her drunken state taking over her completely. Abraxas pointed to a corner, where Tom stood, making out with some girl.

Eve felt her heart hurt a bit. Why the fuck would he do that?, she thought. Suddenly the rush of impulsive filled her veins. She grabbed Abraxas by the collar of his shirt, kissing him passionately. She could hear the people replying to her motives with gasps of shock.

Tom looked around, seeing Abraxas's hands on Eve's waist, their lips connected. Something in him caused him to lose his composure, rushing over to Abraxas.

"What the fuck are you doing Malfoy?" yelled Tom, throwing a punch in Abraxas's direction. Only instead of hitting Malfoy, he accidentally punched Eve.

"That was lovely", Eve whispered before collapsing on the ground.

"Look what you fucking did, Riddle!" shouted Abraxas. Tom threw another punch, this time hitting Abraxas in the nose, causing him to bleed. The commotion gained a crowd around the two, cheering on one of them.

"Fucking stop!" yelled Cleo as she ran over to Eve, who was now blacked out on the floor. Tom immediately removed his hands off Malfoy, moving down to Eve.

"I'll take her with me", Tom assured, scooping up Eve in his arms.

"Don't fucking hurt her or I won't be scared to rip off your fucking nose Riddle", snapped Cleo.

He turned around and nodded towards Cleo, carrying Eve up to his dorm in a bridal style way.

He laid her on his bed, watching her chest go up then down. He moved a piece of her hair from her forehead before laying a kiss on it.

"You're safe darling", he whispered.

He watched Eve sleep for a bit before laying down next to her, wrapping his arms around her. He could feel their heartbeats slowly beating in a synchronized pattern.

He closed his eyes, laying his head next to Eve's.

"You're my little girl", he whispered, before falling asleep.

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