Fredcheal: Romeo and Juliet⭐

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Freddie hissed as his mother, John placed the crown on his head and messed with his face, “He’s going to be a good king, right?” John muses looking to Brian who nods,

“He’s going to be the perfect king.” Brian says patting Freddie hard on his back nearly making him fall.

From the moment he wakes up to the moment his head hits the pillow again his parents have him on a very tight schedule. Every hour of his life is packed to the brim with classes and royal duties the young prince has to do. Which Freddie hates, if that wasn’t enough his strict parents had two royal guards follow him around and scold him if he does something wrong.

But at night Freddie can have his freedom, his guards and everyone is asleep and that’s when Freddie can sneak in his boyfriend, Prince George Michael. The two have been dating in secret for a while now Freddie knows if they get caught it could mean serious harm. George kisses him and pulls Freddie close to him the two wound up on the bed heavily making out the two seventeen year olds couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. They made love that night reckless love, it was the best night Freddie spent with George, the two lay cuddling in the bed the sheet barely covering them back to chest pressed against each other, George kisses Freddie’s shoulder where a small four left clover is tattooed on, “Mm, I love you.” George says standing up, he starts putting his clothes back on,

“Love you too… Why do you leave me so soon? Lets cuddle some more, Georgios.” Freddie pouts reaching for him,

“You know I can’t Farrokh.” George says sternly he looks into Freddie’s dark warm brown eyes, “I love you all the same. But our folks will never let us be together.”

Freddie squeezes his hand and kisses him goodbye then the door swings open and John’s standing there he screams, “How dare you!” 

Brian runs in his face goes from worried to angry, “Farrokh Deacon-May, you’re in so much trouble.”

Freddie covers himself with the sheet, “Father, mother, I love him. And he loves me.”

George stands by his boyfriend, “We’re in love, your majesties.”

John slaps George so hard his head bounces off the wall, “You are banished from the Kingdom of Rhye! You’re never to step foot in our kingdom again!”

George gives Freddie a sad look before climbing out the window and fleeing, “You are to alert his parents at once, Brian.” John growls, “I’m dealing with Farrokh.”

Freddie thrown into the servants’ quarters he’s forced to sleep on the floor all his royal rights are stripped away, “Until you can act like a royal you’ll be treated like a slave.” his mother tells him, his father had to have the last word,

“I mean you’re already the color of half our servants anyway you’ll fit right in.”

Freddie sleeps on the stone floor he has no contact with George, if he mentions his boyfriend’s name he’s punched in the mouth. He’s forced to scrub all forty five floors on his hands and knees daily, he’s forced to do the washing which the only to do is of course by hand. He’s always forced to harvest the fruits and vegetables from the garden and he’s gotta beat the rugs and sweep the floors too. On top of dusting everything and making sure nothing goes wrong with his parents’ clothing, he doesn’t have time for himself anymore. Once it becomes clear Freddie’s pregnant with George’s baby he’s sent to the courtyard four guards hold him by his ankles and wrists, another picks up a large rock he holds high above Freddie’s belly. Freddie thrashes around panic setting in he knew he was roughly nearly eight months along now maybe more, he didn’t understand why his parents wanted the baby killed now.

Before the rock can be dropped in an attempt to kill the baby, two arrows go through two guards holding Freddie’s ankles. The guard holding the rock sets it to the side and looks around scratching his head.

An arrow pierces through the would-be- killer's neck the other two guards drop Freddie and take off running; the two fleeing guards are also killed by arrows. Freddie cowers when the figure in a purple hood jumps out of the trees, their bow is at their side and their bag on their back is still filled with arrows, “P-Please don’t hurt me!” Freddie cries shielding his swollen belly from the marksman.

The marksman pulls down their hood, “Freddie.”

Freddie tears up, “G-George?” the lovers kiss again and George holds him tightly,

“Lets run away now.” 

Freddie nods and the two take off running Freddie struggled greatly to run but he used all his energy to flee with George no matter how bad his tummy cramped, it felt like his insides were being twisted and ripped apart and it didn’t help it felt like he had to use the bathroom constantly. They arrive at a cabin beautifully decorated and furnished, “This is where I stayed for the last eight months.” so they have been apart for eight months Freddie’s math was correct, 

“W-What happened after father reported you?” Freddie winces holding his stomach,

“I was exiled from my kingdom and my sister became the next heir… Are you alright?” George asks, rushing to his side.

“I-I think I need the bathroom.” Freddie tells him face flushed in embarrassment and in pain.

“Follow me.” George leads him inside and into a nice clean white bathroom.

Freddie doesn’t even get a chance to move he drops to his knees and removes his leggings George starts screaming, “There’s a baby coming out! You didn’t tell me you were pregnant!”

“Pregnant?” Freddie screams, “I was a virgin when we had sex I couldn’t be pregnant!” he wasn’t taught anything about sex or pregnancy neither of them were that was to be saved for their wedding when their parents sell them to a prince or princess they like.

But it was pretty easy to figure out to have sex you grab a lubricant stretch them out, lube the penis and the hole your entering and push it. Of course this is really dumbed down but that’s basically all the boys understood about sex.

The baby lands on the tile flooring with a sicken plop George hacks away the umbilical cord and puts a towel under Freddie so the placenta can ruin the towel and not the flooring.

Once everything was cleaned up Freddie was exhausted laying in their bed dotting over their surprise daughter, “Princess Eden.” George says petting her beautiful curly dark hair,

“She’s Greek and Parsi Indian.” Freddie giggles, “Look at her olive toned skin!”

Eden looks to her papa warm hazel eyes look at him with such wonder and innocence. George decided right then and there no one will bring harm to his family, he decides they’ll start their own kingdom and become grand rulers. Nothing can stop them the world is their oyster now and they’re going to make a legacy for themselves.

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