Roger Taylor x Reader: Happy Couple

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You enter your house. It was a cozy suburban home, perfect for a growing family. You see your boyfriend, Roger sitting on the couch, his nose in a drummer’s magazine he looked so interested in the magazine. His Buddy Holly glasses are sliding down his nose, the only time he seems to wear them he doesn’t wear them correctly.

“Babe?” You call to him hanging your coat up,

“Y/N?” Roger looks up setting the magazine on the table, “You’re home early? What’s the occasion?”

You set the takeout on the table, “I got us dinner. It’s the Indian place you like. It’s date night remember? Plus it’s Friday my manager at the movie theater let me off early on Fridays. Now are you ready for the Indian food you’ve been dying to try?”

Roger perks up his ocean blue eyes lighting up, “You’re an angel, you’re the best (partner) ever!” he puts his arms around your waist and pulls you down onto his lap.

You squeal and laugh, “Roggie. You dork!”

Roger kisses you sweetly, his hands run up your waist. You grab his hands, “Not now, Mr. Cheeky.” 

Roger pouts and nuzzles you, “I love you though.”

You kiss him on his nose then the lips and push his glasses back up, “I love you too. Now let’s eat our dinner before it gets cold.”

“Cold Indian food is good though.” Roger states grabbing a plastic fork, you playfully shove his arm,

“Dork.” you stick your tongue out at him, 

“You’re dating the dork.” he sticks his tongue out too. You both laugh.

You two eat and watch your favorite movie together while Roger makes jokes and teases you playfully. You cuddle into his side he runs his fingers through your hair, “You’re beautiful.” Roger whispers leaning over and trying to sneak a kiss, but he can’t bend that far.

You shift around and kiss him gingerly. He scoops you up and loves on you, “You’re the prettiest (partner) I ever had.”

You giggle and a dust of a blush come upon your cheeks, soon you two get ready for bed. Showering and cleaning up for the night. Roger comes up behind you when you’re brushing your teeth, he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your neck,

 “I love you.” He had his glasses off and he was ready for bed. Oddly he wasn’t in his sleep clothes he was in the pink and black striped blazer he’s worn for today.

“I wuv ou too.” You tell him,  toothbrush in your mouth still and the foam of the toothpaste still around your mouth.

He lumbers off to bed like a sleepy bear. You turn off the light when you enter the room and take off your shirt. It got wet and it’s now coated in mouthwash that you split, “Why did you turn out the light?”

“I’m undressing.” You look away, “I don’t like my body.”

Roger sits up using his elbow, “Babe, you can keep the light on.”

You blush thinking he’s going to say something romantic, “I’m legally blind without my glasses.”

You pauses and look in his direction, a new shirt on, “But you have the most amazing body ever. There’s no need to be ashamed. You’re the sexiest person alive, Y/N.”

You go over to him turning on the nightstand lamp, his hands take off your shirt. He kisses your chest complimenting how it looks. He kisses your stomach telling you how perfect it is. He kisses your thighs teasingly nipping at them, 

“If you kiss my fe-“

Roger kisses your feet wetly he coated his lips in spit, “And your feet never stink.”

You laugh and he laughs climbing back up and planting a soft kiss against your lips, “I really do love you, Y/N, you’re the most beautiful sexiest (partner) I ever had. You’re so special to me, your body is amazing, your personality is wonderful, you got the cutest smile,” he smiles blue eyes shining looking into your (e/c) eyes, 

“Rog.” you whisper softly touching his face looking up at him with so much love and affection, 

“Y/N? (Nickname)? Love? My sweetie pie? Will you marry me and become, Mx. Taylor?”

You gasp, “Roger-“

“I know it’s sudden, only two years but I really do love you and I know you’re the one.” he voice is soft, “Will you be okay being a poor man’s (spouse)? Unable to provide for your life.” he tears up voice breaking, “I don’t even have a ring for y-you.”

You grab his hands, “I cherish being yours. We can live in a cardboard box in Liverpool and I would be happy, as long as I have you.” you place your and his hands against your heart, “I love you, Meddy.”

Roger kisses you tears running down his face. You felt yourself crying a little too, “We don’t need money.” you whisper caressing his cheek, “We only need each other.”

Roger pulls you against him, he holds you tightly burying his face into your hair (or whatever you have shaved and bald is beautiful too darlings), “I love you, I love you.” Roger repeated, “I’m so lucky.” he whispers sweet nothings to you loving the hell out of you. Thankful for having such a wonderful human being (or whatever species you want to be) in his life.

“Now let me get a picture.” you get your shirt back on and snag a picture as you label it you ask him, “Why are you wearing your day clothes still?”

Roger looks away smoking from his cigarette, “If I was to be rejected I assumed you would kick me out so I didn’t change yet.”

You kiss him, “Well get changed we’re cuddling and your blazer is itchy.”

Roger nods and begins to change as you place the picture in the album, this was the best day of your life ever and it was all thanks to your now wonderful fiancé. You couldn’t wait for the future.

 You couldn’t wait for the future

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