Froger: A New Chapter⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request

Freddie picks up his son Emile. He's four-years-old now, Fred had Emile when he was fourteen. His parents forced him to move in with his eighteen-year-old boyfriend Paul Prenter. Fredie didn’t falter; he kept his grades up and now is graduating with full honors, top of his class, and any college he wants. But he has a secret, he’s pregnant again, his boyfriend, Paul? Ditched him once they had sex, it was break up sex. Paul wanted a younger model now that Freddie was eighteen.

Freddie woke up to an empty bed and a cry Emile as he was starving and locked in his room. They now lived in a cramp apartment far from home and with no support from family. At least Emile was getting fed while Freddie was juggling college and his three jobs. There was a knock on the door one of the very few times Freddie had a day off, Emile was in bed sleeping away peacefully.

“Just one minute.” Freddie moved his textbooks and ancient laptop off his lap that he rented from his college.

Freddie ties the robe around him tighter and opens the door. A man smoking a cigarette is waiting. He's got messy long blond hair and light blue eyes, “Mr. Prenter?”

“I go by Bulsara now. If you’re looking for the other mister you’re too late.”

“Mr. Bulsara.” the man tries again, 


The man shoves a brown lunch bag into his chest nearly hitting his pregnant stomach with the heavy bag about to rip, “What’s this?”

“Paul sends his regards to you and the kids.” he walks off coughing into his sleeve.

Freddie whimpers and peers into the bag. He gasps, “Money?”

Freddie gingerly counted everything out and tried to see if they were fake, it looked all real to him. A crumpled note falls out and bounces off the table, “Oh.”

Freddie flinches hearing the rats scream in the ceiling. He picks up the note and reads it,


Here’s enough money for you and the things you made. If it runs out before the year is up wait by the Grove bus station in front of your apartment


Freddie shakes his head, “Why be a deadbeat until now?”

Freddie didn’t have time to ponder as Emile came paddling out of his bedroom in soiled pajamas, “Baba?”

Freddie nods, putting the bag out of Emile’s reach, “Come on, into the bathroom you go, love.”

And so a small pattern took over the blond whom Freddie discovered was named Roger would give him the money and leave coughing. Then things changed and Freddie fell for Roger. Strange thing was he was a good father to Emile and his little brother Cecil, treated them like blood. The money does stop coming in once Roger starts chipping in with the money.

Freddie completed his masters degree in art and design, he started working for a big company. Which helped him put his first son into a good private school as Cecil was still too young. Roger took Freddie out on a few lunch dates during his lunch break, 

“You know, I like this.” Freddie grins,

“Like what?” 

“Mom and dad called me a failure and said I was going to drop out of school and work in three streets.” Freddie laughs, “Look at me!” 

Roger chuckles, “Comfortably wealthy, with two amazing sons, and a hot boyfriend who’s a model?” 

“You’re a hand model.” Freddie giggles,

“And an underwear model.” Roger winks and flexes.

Freddie giggles and kisses him goodbye before heading back into work. He was so lucky to have a guy like Roger around. They get married in September, their favorite month. It was a simple wedding with only the newlyweds and the bride’s two sons. 

It was perfect for the two and Emile and Cecil love their new daddy. It was the only daddy they knew. Roger and Freddie have two children, a son and a daughter. They watch their family grow up and start having kids of their own.

Roger smiles lovingly at Freddie sitting in his rocker, a grey streak running through his jet back hair reading to their grandchild Lilly. Roger fixes his hearing aid and walks over to them. He kisses Freddie on the lips and kisses Lilly on her head, 

“Pew!” she greets Roger clapping her chubby hands together, “Pew! Pew!”

“You had to teach her that?” Freddie chuckles his reading glasses sliding down his nose.

“Yes.” Roger kisses his nose and fixes his glasses, 

“Yucky!” Lilly shouts, flailing her arms about.

Roger gives her head another kiss and she looks so offended. Roger scoops her up and he hugs them both. Roger puts Lilly down for a nap and cuddles Freddie. When he wakes up he’s alone. The room’s cold, “Freddie?”

He didn’t get any answers, “Freddie!?” Roger shouts struggling to get up.

Freddie comes in and holds Roger close, “Are you ready?”

“Ready for what?”

Freddie takes his hand and they begin walking down the wall, “Did you enjoy yesterday?”

“Yes?” Roger says softly, “We got to spend time with our first grandchild. I loved it.”

“Good, good.”

Freddie kisses him gingerly and loves on him. Roger noted his hair was greyer than normal, “Lets go now.”

They begin walking down the stairs when things start to fade and then they're just standing in a white room. There’s nothing, “Freddie?”

Freddie kisses him again, “Come on.”

“A-Are we dead?” 

Freddie nods and opens a door, “Come on.”

Roger steps through the door and is back at the apartments where he met Freddie. Roger looks down and notices he’s clutching the ring box something simple and pretty like Freddie. He knocks on the door and Cecil opens the door giggling and bouncing, “Baba, got pizza!”


Cecil shakes his head so hard he nearly falls over, “Yes! Yes! It’s the red circles!”

Roger smiles and goes to find Freddie. The twenty-year-old is putting pizza on paper plates with an animal’s face on it. His hair is tied back and there’s a red headscarf on him. He’s wearing old clothes that have seen better days, no makeup, barefoot in the kitchen. Roger felt himself fall more in love, he’s never seen someone so beautiful in his whole life.

“Baba! Baba! Dada Roggie here!” Cecil shouts,

Freddie turns around and sees Roger on one knee grinning holding up the ring. It’s perfect. They’re perfect, Roger’s happy to have gone back.

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