Platonic!Froger: Baby ⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's Your Request

Alright guys what do you want to see with this book? Reads are dipping down again and I don't know why. I'll literally take any request as long as it's not incest or underage character x adult character (unless 17 dating 18).

Roger lugs the baby carrier inside his home, “Well, welcome home Freddie.”

He unstraps him from his car seat being careful with his breathing equipment. The little one was so tiny you could hold him with one hand, “This is where you’re going to live.” Roger coo softly.

Freddie fusses and squirms kicking a little he rubs his eyes and fusses with the cords, “Don’t do that, Fred.” Roger moved his hand away, “That’s keeping you alive.”

Freddie cries hungry despite eating only twenty minutes ago, Roger makes him a bottle and eases it into his mouth, “The doctors said to do anything to increase your weight.” right now Freddie was struggling to keep above his birth weight and was always on some type of liquid medicine to try and help with his cystic fibrosis.

Freddie’s nurse starts to arrive. His name is Brian and he monitors and makes sure Roger is helping Freddie, he also tends to Freddie. After nearly having Freddie with him for a month Freddie’s put on a feeding tube and has even more nurses coming around the clock to check on him. It’s very overwhelming for Roger who’s only just finished his medical degree up. And Roger goes into a frenzy when Freddie stops breathing in the middle of the night, he dials 999. He manages to get Freddie breathing again and Freddie stays overnight in hospital.

Roger nearly cried when Freddie reached his first birthday. It was a battle to get him to even be chubby let alone survive a year. And now here he was crawling about ready to walk and he’s one year old. Roger was ecstatic he got Freddie a large very Thomas The Tank Engine cake, and went all out. Balloons, toys, games, everything a one-year-old could want.  Brian went to help out chasing after Freddie when the boy decided it was time for hide and go seek, Brian only stopped helping when he smashed his head through the ceiling and got stuck. Apparently the house was made for hobbits.

Freddie has a blast he smashed the small cake rubbing it into his hair and face, he even ate some of it. His eyes lit up when he got some of the frosting into his mouth. That’s when Roger knew he would love cake and that this was his first taste of sugary greatness. Freddie ate a lot of cake and stained most of his clothing in the process. He looked so pleased with himself as he laid on the couch getting his medications. And he loves his puppy dog and kitty cat plushie. Freddie wiggles and kicks and pouts and whines when his daddy is busy talking to Brian who is nursing a concussion from going through the ceiling.

“D-Daddy!” Freddie cries kicking feebly in the air and acts totally helpless. Roger chuckles and scoops up his boy,

“Is my baby boy in need of some attention?” Roger kisses his chubby wittle cheeks being careful of his breathing equipment.

“Yes, daddy!”

Roger smiles and loves on his boy. Freddie smiles and coos happily bouncing in his father's arms. He kicks and coos giggling, "You wanna go watch cartoons?"

"Toons!" Freddie screams in Roger's ear, "Toons!"

Roger winces but keeps his smile on, "Alright, alright."

Roger turns on the tv Freddie rips the remote from his hands. Fred uses it upside down and finds Cartoon Network on his own. He looks so proud of himself, he beams up at Roger who praises him but tells him not to grab something out of peoples' hands.

Freddie chews on the remote happily watching toons. Roger is chatting to Brian about Freddie and all his milestones. You know being a proud papa and all that shit. I don't know, only like four people read this book, comment if you're still stuck around, I'll try and do something for ya.

Freddie tugs on his diaper and kicks Roger hard in his leg, "Daddy! Daddy!" he says with great urgency,

"What is it?" Roger asks, concerned his eyes dart to Freddie's breathing equipment and IV drip.

"I pooped myself!" Freddie rips off his diaper flinging his shit.

Brian cleans up the mess and Roger cleans up Freddie who was now sleepy and fussy. Roger eases Freddie into the crib and tucks him in being mindful of his wires.

"Goodnight baby boy." Roger coos kissing his head and brushing his ebony hair out of his face.

Roger goes to leave and Freddie sqwakes, "Daddy! I love you!"

"I love you too." Roger says kissing his head once again and making sure his nightlight is on.

Rofer leaves, Freddie is happy and his eyes are closed cuddling his new plushies closely.

"Thanks for helping me." Roger says to Brian who's on the porch smoking,


"You shouldn't smoke." Roger says softly.

"I know," Brian twirls the cigarette between his fingers, "I'm a nurse after all."

"Don't you find that ironic?"

"What?" Brian asks,

"I'm a nurse telling another nurse not to smoke because it's bad for your health."

Brian laughs, he's already got a smoker's laugh and it's unsettling to Roger's ears. Brian's barely thirty-years-old and he's already making his life short. Brian hugs Roger and ruffles his hair, "You don't have to worry about me. My dad smoked for his whole life and he's in his 80s."

Roger shakes his head, "I don't want you to die early."

"I won't. I promise, alright?"

Roger crosses his arms, "You better keep your promise." Roger grabs the packet of smokes from Brian's shirt pocket and pitches them into Mary's yard three doors down, "I use to play basball in high school."

Brian huffs and nods crossing his arms some, "Sure whatever, small fry."

Roger sticks his tongue out and blows a raspberry.

After some light chatter Brian goes upstairs into the guestroom and Roger goes into the master bedroom. Roger's just happy to have Freddie in his life, he's the perfect son. Roger couldn't ask for a better life for him and his boy.

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