Teen!Queen: Monsters⭐

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TamaraCaroline99 Here's Your Request

Freddie grins watching his prey move around the office. Freddie was now 17, he took up a small receptionist job to earn some money. His boss Bill Reid was a real sleazy  man who always slept with the always young receptionist. He hasn’t gotten into Freddie’s trousers yet, and it was frustrating for Bill by now he’d have them bend over the desk begging for more.

Freddie smiles at Bill warmly as he hands the older man the papers it was. After office hours they were the only two left, Freddie lets their hands brush against each other. Fred watches as Bill’s eyes look at Freddie, “Come to my office.” Bill says gruffly.

Freddie follows him; he's waited long enough for this. He lets his teeth sharpen and his eyes begin to glow before he realizes that if he consumes him here it will be easy to tell who did it. Freddie calms down and looks at Bill,

 “Yes, sir? What do you want?” Freddie asks sweetly.

“You.” Bill growls.

“Excuse me?” Freddie acts offended he knew what this was about.

Bill grabs his ass, “Come on, I know you want me.”

“I’m not having sex with you in your office.”

“Motel kinda girl, huh?” Bill laughs raspy.

Bill brings him to a cheap low budgeted motel that’s full of holes and mold. Bill starts undressing and his back is turned, he doesn’t see Freddie transforming and he doesn't even have time to react as Freddie rips his heart out and feasts on it. It tastes so good, Freddie’s shaking. Freddie drinks Bill’s blood, it tastes so good, it’s so fresh and refreshing. Freddie backs away and sees Bill’s practically nothing anymore.

Freddie gets his heels back on and leaves the shitty motel. Freddie makes his way into a petrol station bathroom. He changes quickly into a baggy hoodie, sweatpants, and old sneakers. He shoves his hair under his beanie, you can see where it’s undercut and removes his makeup. He puts on his glasses and his faux piercings. Freddie walks out looking completely different. 

Fred buys an energy drink and some jerky before walking out and finding an abandoned bike. He pedals away fast. The bike groans and barely manages to stay straight on the road. Freddie pulls into their home and puts the bike into their garage, he knows Brian can fix it up.

“John?” Freddie can see a small bundle huddled in a corner, 

“Leave me alone.” John sniffles wiping his nose on his hand.

In the sliver of moonlight in the garage Freddie saw blood on John’s hand, “John did you have an accident?” 

Once youths reach twelve they can shift without control and attack without meaning to. John manages to stand up; he looks so small. The clothes he’s wearing are meant for someone much bigger, “I-I ate her.”

“Her?” Freddie questions, 

“M-My girlfriend… S-She got cut and the smell of blood.” John begins to shake before he vomits up black sludge. He holds his stomach whimpering, “I’m a monster Freddie.”

Freddie steps over the mess thankful the floors in here are concrete, “John it happens to all of us.”

John cries into Freddie’s chest, “I love her, and I hurt her!”

Freddie rubs his back whispering soothing words to him and loving on him, “What are we Freddie?”

“I don’t know.” Freddie tells, “I don’t believe our kind has a name.”

Brian steps into the room dragging his tool bag behind him, “Nrina what are we?” Freddie asks him.

Brian looks between the bloody John and Freddie, “Uh… I don’t think we have a name.” Brian goes over the the stolen bike and begins to fix it, “Between eating humans, and telepathically communicating I think we’re the first of our kind.”

Roger steps into the room, “Come here John, you want some cake?” Roger asks, holding up a plate of cake.

John sniffs as he raises his hand it seems like time went still.  The cake goes up in the air and comes flying into John’s face the plate clatters at his feet. Brian shakes his head, “... Well that’s a new power none of us have seen before.”

John eats the cake off his face, “I’m scared.”

“You’re going through puberty you’re fine.” Brian tells him squeezing his hand, “You’ll settle down when you turn 15.”

“Promise?” John asks as Brian rubs his face with a damp napkin.

Roger squeezes Freddie’s hand, “I settled down and I learned about love.”

John smiles and looks up at his friends, “Maybe things won’t be so bad after all.”

Brian hugs him tight, “Now go get cleaned up.”

John runs out of the room and Brian looks at the other two, “He ate his girlfriend?”

“He ate his girlfriend.” Freddie nods, 

“Damn.” Roger says lighting a cigarette.

“Who did you eat?” Brian asks Freddie, 

“How did you know?”

“You’re glowing.” Brian points out.

Freddie smiles teeth still sharp, “Bill Reid.”

“The pervert?” Roger asks blowing smoke out, “The guy who fuels all the underaged babes?”

“Yep.” Freddie nods,

They head inside the home, Freddie nearly trips over a rug as John comes  running out of the bathroom running naked his hands covering his willy, a tentacle reaching out of the bathroom trying to play grab ass with the young John,

 “Goldman it.” Brian grabs the spray bottle of acid, “Bad George, bad.” he sprays the creature.

“Who let the mutant out of the toilet?” Roger asks ducking as a shampoo bottle is thrown.

“George Michael!” Freddie yells swatting the creature with a fly swatter, “Put your tentacles and go back to sleeping in the toilet.”

“Can you believe he dated that guy?” Roger asks, “I’m so much better than him.”

“I can hear you!” George yells slithering in there.

Freddie smacks him, “No touching my boyfriend.”

Brian claps his hands together, “Who wants ice cream? I want ice cream, come on.”

And without a word the household of mutants make there way into the kitchen to have a nice bowl of ice cream.

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