Quickly he leaned down and pressed a short kiss to her lips before letting her go and adjusting himself as to make sure they would not get caught.

It was in good reflex too, as Calum just turned the corner.

His eyes nervously shifted between Evelyn, Luke, and Ashton.

"Hey guys," He stepped towards them.

The other two boys did not answer, simply staring at him.

Evelyn peered over to them, seeing them both with different levels of annoyance feign through them.

Now, I don't like him back that way, but aren't they all being a little too harsh?

She broke the silence, reaching towards him to hug him lightly, "Hi Cal."

Ashton reached over after Evelyn pulled away, tapping his hand to Calum's, "Mate what's up?"

With that, a tension broke. Luke shook
his head.

I can't be mad at Calum for something he didn't know about.

"Hey Calum," Luke greeted boy, who replied to them with relief flooding his body.

Luke ultimately couldn't blame Calum for either thing: wanting to ask Evelyn out and liking her in the first place.

He loved that girl to death: it made sense why anyone would love her. Her kinda heart was too much, warming even that most unhappy around.

Luke tilted his head, admiring the small girl in front of him. She was bright, trying to engage in conversation but the words falling short.

The awkward tension amongst them dissipated as Ashton cleared his throat, "We should get going."

Calum nodded, looking down at the girl and then back up at the two boys. He waved a goodbye and walked the opposite direction.

They began to walk out the doors as Ashton reprimanded the other two, "You two have got to be more careful. He was a second away-"

"Oh shut up Ashton," Luke rolled his eyes. The cold air hit them, the chill signaling the winter.

Luke regretted wearing a muscle shirt but, luckily, he had stuffed a jacket in his bag somewhere. He shifted the bag on his front, walking across the street and maintaining his speed while pulling out the jacket.

Evelyn scrunched her nose at the bite of the air, subconsciously moving closer towards Luke. Ashton covered it up by putting an arm around her, the closeness between her and Luke now meaning little to nothing with his hand there.

What a great friend.

Michael sat in Evelyn's car, awaiting them. Kate was also parked right next to him.

"I guess we can go with Kate, and you and Hailey can go with Michael," Evelyn tried to say casually, "I haven't talked to Kate in a while anyways."

Ashton nodded, hugging them quickly before opening and sitting in Michael's car, next to Hailey.

Evelyn opened the door of the car, sitting in the back so that Luke could sit in the front. Kate looked over to him, waving before turning his to the backseat.

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