Mordred's Role Model Part Two

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It was after the knights pulled Gwaine away from the Unofficial Mergana club that they started planning. 

"So, Merlin's Mordred role model. Why?" Arthur asked the team. They all shrugged. Mordred came over suddenly, and they all pretended to be doing something else.

"What are you guys doing?" Mordred asked. They all said multiple responses, except for Gwaine, who answered: "Their wondering why Merlin's your role model." The knights all glared at Gwaine. 

"Oh. He's my role model because he was the one that saved me all those years ago. Well, there's more to it, but that's the part I can share."

Arthur blinked. "Mordred? The druid boy!?"

Mordred nodded. "In the flesh."

Arthur scrunched his face. "But Morgana was the one that helped you escape."

Mordred bit his lip. "Have you ever wondered how I came in Morgana's chambers in the first place?"

Arthur cocked his head. "No..."

Mordred nodded. "Merlin saved me. He rushed me through the halls. We only ended in Morgana's chambers by accident."

Leon blinked. "How'd he evade the guards?"

Mordred didn't answer.

He suddenly perked up. "You all think Merlin's just a stupid servant. Let's show you the other side!"

Everyone blinked. "What?"

Mordred shrugged. "I saw Merlin leaving through the woods."

Arthur looked to the woods. "The woods are on lockdown, no one's supposed to be there!"

Mordred clapped happily. "Let's follow him!"

That's how they ended up walking through the muddy forest, trying to find Merlin's tracks.

"How is he so good?" Arthur hissed, only finding one footprint.

Leon slapped mosquitos, cursing under his breath.

Gwaine and Mordred huddled in the back, whispering excitedly about Mergana.

"Please someone tell me what Mergana is." Arthur grumbled. No one answered.

At last they entered a clearing, where Merlin sat calmly.

"Seriously?" Arthur hissed.

Mordred suddenly realized what was going to happen when Merlin sighed and stood.

"Um... We should go...."

The knights where almost leaving, but then they heard Merlin roaring.

"What?" Gwaine asked.

The great dragon landed before their friend. "Oh shoot." Mordred muttered.


"I'M SORRY EMRYS I DIDN'T MEAN TO I'M SORRY!" Mordred hollered, running to Merlin.

"The guy needs to learn to not break." Leon whispered.

"Emrys?" Percival asked.

Arthur blinked. "Wait the dragon's alive."

Elyan slipped trying to get closer, so they all fell into the clearing.

Merlin stared at them. "Mordred?"


Merlin put his hand on Mordred's shoulder. "Please stop."

When Mordred stopped, Merlin turned to the dragon, only to realize he was flying off.

"WIMP!" Merlin yelled. 

Arthur fainted.

"Huh. That works out nicely." Merlin said to himself.

The knights ran to the trees, and Merlin knocked them out with magic. 

"That should make them forget."

Mordred hugged him. "I'm sorry."

Merlin sighed. "Never say 'Mergana' to my face again, and we're even."


So the young knight and warlock walked home, while the knights and king snored in the grass.

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