Magic Week Part 2

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I heard someone ask for this, so....

Merlin's eyes opened, pure golden. All the knights recoiled in surprise, while Arthur cursed.

Morgana put two and two together. 

With a command, he made Aithusa halt where she was, and then turned to Morgana.

"Emrys." She whispered.

Mordred smiled with pride.

Merlin just stood motionless, staring at Morgana as she backed away.

"I'll leave you alone."

Merlin just extended a hand out to her, getting ready to blast her.

To lost in the tumbling magic overpowering him, Merlin shot, hitting Morgana backwards into a tree. 

"Tie her up!" Leon said, the first to recover.

The knights sprang to action, while their king just stared in disdain to Merlin, still hovering with golden eyes.

Mordred rubbed his neck. "Didn't think this through, did I?"

No one responded. 

"Merlin. Time to come back." He slapped the servants face again, and the boy stopped hovering and his eyes turned back to blue.

But the druid boy preferred the gold when those eyes sent him the most powerful glare ever.

"Sorry. Acted to fast."


Arthur stared at the ceiling. Gwen was supposed to be with them on the hunting trip, but she decided to stay behind. 

Flopped on the bed, Arthur wondered if he should have alerted her that they where home, but he couldn't move.

He could remember staring at his servant, slowly taking handcuffs out of his bag.

No one objected, except for Mordred.

Then Morgana butt in and revealed the boy to be a druid.

Then he took out another pair.

Just then the door opened. 

"What happened? Where's Merlin?"

Arthur looked up to see Gwen, probably thinking Merlin was dead. 

"He's locked up for the crimes of sorcery, along with Morgana and Mordred." With a bitter laugh, he realized all their names started with a M. 

Gwen laughed. "That's impossible."

Arthur, to tried to talk, pointed to the keys on the table.

Gwen smiled. "If there's no one there, you own me." 

Arthur didn't smile back.

Gwen's POV

Walking down to the dungeon, I rolled my eyes. Arthur and his silly stories. If Merlin actually was there, it was probably because the boy had walked without tripping, for once.

I enter the dungeon to find Merlin, Morgana, and Mordred in one cell. They where playing cards.

I smile sweetly, secretly freaking out. "Uh, what are you doing there?" "I have magic." Merlin said without a beat, drawing a card. Mordred eyes flicked around, and they all started laughing. "What? Merlin you can't have magic!" Morgana rolled her eyes. "What was the word again? His name? Yeah." Mordred nodded, while Merlin scowled. "Emrys." Merlin shook for a few minutes, before his eyes turned pure gold, and his chains broke freely. He started hovering, in a straight pose. "What is he doing again?" A calm Morgana asked Mordred. "Watching Arthur. Apparently that's his destiny." I shook, and ran out, hearing a, "Wait Merlin, you could break the chains before?"

I slammed the door behind me as the warning bells started ringing.

Then, running back down with Arthur, we just found the deck of cards behind.

On the top was a joker.

I didn't really have much idea what to do with the part two, so I hope it makes sense.

Mergana OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt