Clumsy Part Two

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Merlin tripped in the next morning, watching Arthur curiously. He hadn't been the same since yesterday, after the witchfinder died. He kept looking at Merlin strangely.

Does he know? 

Morgana walked in after Merlin, a frown on her face.

"What, Arthur? I know something is on your mind!"

Arthur turned, and studied them. "I didn't want to freak you guys out, but I know."

Merlin's tray clattered on the floor and Morgana stepped back.

 "I don't know what your talking about." Merlin lied, and Morgana admitted at the same time, "Okay, fine. Don't tell Uther."

Arthur sighed. "Morgana? You have magic?" Morgana nodded. Merlin stayed quiet and stepped in the back. "Merlin knew too, but don't blame him." She watched Merlin for a moment before turning back to Arthur. "I'm a seer, and a sorceress." She admitted. "I shouldn't be telling you this, but it got lonely."  She lowered her head. Arthur sighed. "I don't blame you. Nor do I hate you. I'm glad you where honest to me. When I'm king, I'll make magic legal."

Merlin's head snapped up so fast it was a crack in the empty silence. Morgana and Arthur looked at him. 

"Sorry, Merlin, but if you don't agree with magic you can-" Arthur stopped Morgana. "Merlin, do you have something to admit?"

Merlin turned behind him. "Me?" Arthur sighed. "Yes, you Merlin."

"Um." Merlin gulped, and looked at the floor. "I might have a tiny, tiny, bit of magic, but that's it..." Morgana chocked her head. Arthur sighed. "I know you're lying, Merlin."

"OKAY FINE! I'm the most powerful sorcerer in the universe. I'm Emrys, I'm a warlock, and a dragonlord!" Merlin burst, yelling as loud as he could in a kingdom where magic's illegal.

Arthur blinked. "Well, uh, you sure are, um, powerful." The prince bit his lip. In the room full of two powerful magicians, he felt self-conscious. "Cool." He muttered.

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