Group Conversations

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This just came in my head....

What if everyone got together without their will, and had to have a truthful conversation in order to leave?

Silence. That was what was happening for the past 13 minutes as they all sat there. Arthur and his knights looked at each other, wondering what was happening with the stare fest on the other side. Merlin and Morgana where glaring at each other, Mordred in the background. "Start!" The voice yelled, and they found themselves able to talk.

Arthur: "Hello."

And so the discussion began.

Arthur: "Morgana, I believe in a fair and just world. What you are doing, killing innocents, is not fair."

Morgana: "Sometimes the world has to crumble in order to be rebuilt."

Merlin: "I agree with you, Morgana, but maybe we should focus on destroying the laws, not the lives of people."

Arthur: "Merlin, stay out of it."

Gwaine: "Do any of you have some mead?"

Everyone: "No."

Gwaine: "Okay."

Leon: "I think that we can compromise a treaty in which magic will be allowed in Camelot."

Elyan: "I like the idea."

Percival: "I think it's alright."

Gwaine: "Ya."

Arthur: "Why are you crying Merlin?"

Merlin: "I thought this day would never come."

Everyone: "Okay..."

Morgana: "I still want to become Camelot's queen."

Everyone: *sigh*

Arthur: "Why don't you become queen of the druids?"

Morgana: "The druids are under the rule of a king already. Someone way more powerful than me."

Merlin: "Aw, thanks!"

Everyone: "..."

Merlin: "Oops"

Arthur: "Okay, who gave Merlin the rum?"

Knights: "Not me."

Morgana: "Oh my gosh you guys are morons."

Gwaine: "Thanks."

Morgana: *roll eyes*

Merlin: "Phew..."

Morgana: "What are we talking about again?"

Knights: "Dunno."

Gwaine: "Let's talk about crushes and stuff!"

Everyone: "Over our dead bodies."

Gwaine: "Yay! I'll go first!"

Elyan: "How do you play?"

Gwaine: "Well, it's like truth or dare, but it's only truth."

Arthur: "Why do I feel like this is going to end badly?"

Everyone: "It is."

Gwaine: "Okay... Leon-wait no, Mordred, why haven't you been talking?"

Mordred: "I don't know, I've just been shipping people. I guess I also found it entertaining how oblivious you guys can be."

Morgana: *Snort*

Mordred: "Don't laugh Morgana, I shipped you first."

Gwaine: "Okay, Mordred, you pick someone."

Mordred: "Okay... Leon! What is your most embarrassing moment?"

Leon: "Why do I always get called on... Um, I think when I wore a dress."

Gwaine: "WhAt?" *Chokes on air*

Leon: "I chose Elyan! Um... WHo do you think you can be shipped with?"

Elyan: "Why would I tell you? I chose Percival. What is your favorite story."

Percival: "Three little pigs. I chose Arthur. What is the most important part of your day?"

Merlin: "Why am I being left out..."

Morgana: "At least we have each other" *sneer*

Mordred: *whispering* "I ship it"

Elyan: "What?"

Mordred: "Nothing."

Arthur: "Umm... Probably helping the townspeople. Gwaine; why did you chose this game?"

Gwaine: "Don't know. Morgana, who is the most important person to you."

Morgana: "Merlin."

Mordred: *Smiling so hard his cheeks are bursting*

Merlin: "Aww..."

Gwaine: "I'll go again, cause Morgana clearly doesn't understand the game." *Darkens* "Okay I'll ask Merlin... You know what, never mind. Game's finished."

Everyone turned to Merlin and Morgana, who where snogging. 

Mordred: "mY DrEaMs ArE CoMInG TRuE." 

Rest of them: "Ew."

Mordred smiled and clapped elastically. "YES!!!"

Hi. Um... Sorry if it sucks, I wanted to do a different writing style, cause I'm bored and lazy. Hope you liked it?

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