Mordred's Role Model

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The knights all wanted to be a role model. 

They all wanted to see the younger knights gaze up at them, worship in their eyes.

They all wanted the younger knights to copy their very movements, and see them watch them train.

So, when Mordred, the youngest knight, came in with big innocent eyes, they knights began the pointless contest to impress the secret druid and become his role model. 

It all started in the changing room.

The knights made sure to act the coolest, and act all mature and nice. Mordred payed no attention. 

Gwaine exhaled, and caved. "You got yourself a role model yet?" He asked the young knight.

The knights paid close attention.

Mordred nodded. "He's the best! He'll always be my role model." His eyes shined.

Gwaine grinned. "Who is it?"

Mordred blinked, and noticed the knights where looking at him like he was prey.

"Uhhh." He looked around the room. He didn't want Emrys to find out, he wanted to look cool in front of the warlock. "You have to guess."

The knights deflated.

"Gwaine. Percival. Arthur. Elyan. Leon." The knights droned on, but Mordred kept on shaking his head. "Gaius. Uh... Uther." Now they where getting desperate. Mordred shook his head, sighed, and left the changing room.

Elyan slumped. "Guess we have to wait for another knight to come along." 

Gwaine narrowed his eyes. "We knights don't give up."


For the next couple of weeks, the knights, including Arthur, followed Mordred in the shadows, watching for his role model.

They watched as he walked past Lords without looking back, and didn't give any of the knights a second thought.


The group stealthily  sneaked behind Mordred, then almost bumped into him as he gasped and stepped back. "He's coming! Act cool Mordred." They heard him whisper. "Try to be as cool as him."

The knights gazed at the doorway, wanting to see who came through..

Merlin walked through and bumped his head on the doorframe.

He turned and saw Mordred leaning against the wall, crossing his arms.

"Uh, do you need something?" Merlin asked.

Mordred blushed with embarrassment. Not cool at all, dang it. He thought. 

Merlin blinked. You know I can hear you.

Mordred blushed even harder. "Um... I saw what you did yesterday! That was cool, uh...." Come up with something cool Mordred! He thought to himself. "Uh..I.." The knights watched in fascination. "I ship Mergana." Mordred finished, and crossed his arms again. 

Merlin turned around and went back inside.

"Oh dang it." Mordred muttered.

The knights shook their heads and turned to Gwaine, expecting him to agree, except the drunken knight was clutching his cheeks with a smile.

Before they knew it, Gwaine had ran up to the druid. "I SHIP MERGANA TOO!"

Mordred gasped.

Gwaine gasped.

The knights facepalmed.

"BESTIES FOREVER!" They screamed together, and went off talking about their ship.

"Welp. We lost Gwaine."  Someone said sullenly. 

Arthur, stared at the two retreating figures. "What's Mergana anyway?"

"Don't tell him." Leon whispered. "He's still not over Morgana's betrayal."

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