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Merlin plopped the books on the table with a big splash of dust. Wiping dust from his eyes, Merlin set out looking for magic books. Morgana has seemed to scared back there in the room, confessing her secret, that she felt that she had magic. Merlin felt he needed to help her.
Morgana sighed, and looked up from the encrypted letters in the books Merlin had found. "Merlin?" She asked softly, but received no response. She pointed her candle over to light Merlin's face, and saw his head rested o n the dusty book. He had stayed up real late to help her, and seemed to understand the runes way too well, but Morgana didn't dwell on that.
She walked over to get a thin blanket, and draped it over the servants sleeping form.
"Juno mublu hubi." Merlin mumbled sleepily. To Morgana's surprise, the dead candle stub regrew until it was straight and unused. "Merlin, Merlin, you just did magic!" Morgana whispered. Merlin sat up, and looked at the candle sleepily. "I just was learning about that spell." He muttered, and glanced back at the book. "I said the incantation, didn't I." Morgana nodded. "You're like me, aren't you." Merlin made a lazy nod with his head. "We're a lot alike." Merlin said in between a yawn. His words sounded messed up, like he wasn't thinking. Without another word, Merlin went back to sleep on the book. Morgana shook her head. Her loyal Merlin, just like her.
"Goodnight." Morgana whispered.
More stories about sleeping....huh. Brain you trying to tell me something???

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