The egg

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 No Mergana in this one either. 

Merlin hiked towards the camp, the blue egg shining in his grasp. No beauty compared to it, it was the definition of beauty itself to Merlin, but that was probably because he was a dragonlord. 

He couldn't stop thinking about what happened back in the castle. For all his searching for the key, Julius didn't know anything about the tomb itself, causing his death. 

Merlin marched forward, hoping the knight's where still asleep so he could shove the egg in his bag. Arthur didn't approve of dragons, wanted the egg smashed. That had Merlin's insides twisting. 

He wanted on the campsite, and stepped back, hiding the egg behind his back. Arthur and the knights where searching the camp. 

"Merlin! There you are. What happened?" Arthur asked, stumbling towards the manservant. He looked woozy. "Uh, you all took a nap, and I went to collect... Herbs. I saw a few Gaius wanted on the way here."

"Merlin! You couldn't have done that! We could have been slayed by Julius while you get your herbs. If your on watch, you stay on watch!" Arthur yelled. He noticed the bump where Merlin had stealthily pushed it up his shirt. "Merlin what's that?" Arthur asked drawing his sword. "Uh, the herbs. Their sensitive to... sun." Merlin lied, moving towards his pack. "I'll just put them here, and we'll be on our way."

"Merlin," Gwaine joined in. "Why are you dusty?" 

He forgot to shake of the dust!

"Guys, seriously?" Merlin laughed nervously. "I... had to travel near an abandoned hut, it was dusty and grimy, but the herb lived in it's shade!"   

Leon drew his sword. "Merlin, your jacket is torn." The noble knight inspected. 

Merlin sighed. "I might have fallen a little, no big deal."

Percival stepped behind him, and lifted the servant up, causing the egg to tumble out and fall on the leaves. 

Percival dropped Merlin in shock, and the knights reacted. "Smash it!" Arthur yelled, and Merlin lunged for the egg, standing as the knights got ready.

"No!" Merlin said, looking disgusted.

Arthur stopped. "Merlin, you can't save every animal because your to soft." He gestured to the egg. "Throw it to me."

Merlin breathed deeply, not wanting to disobey his king, but his dragonlord instincts ran deeper.

"No." He said again, shaking. "No, I won't." 

Arthur paused. "Merlin, that egg is dangerous. It contains a dragon." 

Merlin nodded.  "I know. I..." Go big or home. "I can train it."

Arthur laughed. "Can you be completely sure you can tame this beast?"

Merlin nodded again. "I am."

Arthur sighed. "Merlin, I'm not sure you can. Remember the last dragon? That almost destroyed Camelot?"

Merlin bit his lip. "Well who do you think told it to go away."

Arthur laughed. "I killed it."

Merlin hugged the egg tighter, unable to let his kin go. He felt the brotherly instincts surging.

Usually Merlin would pause to wonder why he was connecting so much with a dragon, but Arthur's glare held his attention.

"Merlin. Enough of this." Arthur didn't understand. Neither did the knights, who where circling him, swords pointed at the egg. 

"It'll just be a minute, then we could go on our way." Arthur 

"No. No. You don't understand." Merlin shivered.

Arthur shook his head. "No, Merlin, you don't understand."

Then he lunged forward, raising his sword as to not cut Merlin, but to only vanquish life from the small innocent egg that had yet to hatch. 

"No!" Merlin shouted, realizing to late that his voice had switched to one of his dragonlord nature.

It's growl echoed across the forest, sounding more dragon than man. 

Arthur stopped, watching Merlin, who scolded himself silently. Kilgharrah would be notified. 

"Merlin, what was that?" Gwaine asked, watching his friend with fear. Merlin huffed. 

"Leave the egg alone." Merlin whispered in his normal voice, but the edge of it told the knights that he was struggling to hold the growl back. Indeed, the closer he was to the egg, the more he seemed dragon.

"Give us the egg, Merlin. This is your last warning." Arthur pointed the sword at his friend.

Merlin gulped, hearing the distant flapping wings of Kilgharrah.

"Give it a chance." Merlin whispered. "Give this egg a chance, like you gave everyone a chance." Arthur snorted. "Those are two different things." Merlin shook his head. 

The flapping wings grew louder, so loud that Leon looked at the sky, confusion drawn across his face.

"Stop." Merlin yelled to the sky, ignoring the confused faces. "Turn back!" 

Kilgharrah either didn't hear him or ignored him.

The great dragon flapped around the campsite, eyeing the king with his huge gold eyes. 

Arthur shifted his sword to the dragon. "What! That's not possible!"

Merlin rushed forward. "Don't hurt him!" Arthur glared at Merlin and pushed him back.

The great dragon landed on the clearing, eyeing the egg with happiness. He didn't seem to concerned about the knights.

"Give the egg to me, Merlin." Kilgharrah spoke clearly, causing Arthur and the knights to stop in confusion.  Merlin walked forward. "Merlin! No!" Arthur hissed. 

Merlin set the egg in it's claws. "Be careful."

Kilgharrah smiled down at him. "I always am." He held the egg softly, and turned to the knights.

"So the knights of Camelot have come to destroy the balance of the universe."

Arthur cleared his throat. "We where only trying to prevent deaths. That egg is dangerous."

Kilgharrah smiled. "And you didn't think it would be a good idea to ask the Dragonlord?"

Arthur bit his lip. "The last dragonlord is dead."

Kilgharrah chuckled. "Is that what your friend is to you now?"

Arthur looked at Merlin, who hung his head in shame.

Kilgharrah put the egg on the rock, and nodded at Merlin. "No difference doing it now, they know. Call out it's name." 

Merlin gulped, then whispered in his natural language, "Aithusa."

The egg started to crack, scaring the knights further back.

A white dragon poked it's head out the shell. 

Kilgharrah smiled at Merlin, then, without a word, he lifted the dragon, and flew off, the tiny dragon peeking out from the  talons.

Merlin exhaled. "They won't kill people. I forbade them."

Arthur didn't say anything, just hugged the servant. The knights walked forward and hugged him too.

"We won't spill your secret. The dragons are a good thing to have on our side." 

Arthur smiled. "And it's not like you have magic!"

Merlin sweated. "Yeah! Why would I have magic!"

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