Arrow Wound

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Merlin must have own ways of dealing with wounds, right? With magic, of course. 

As they where fleeing the bandits, Merlin felt something pierce his side. It hurt, yes, but Merlin had more important things to care about. Mainly getting Arthur alive. Besides, his magic would take care of everything.

When they reached a cave, rain had already started to pour, blurring the black entrance. Merlin felt his head spin, and something ooze on the same side. It would take a few hours to heal, if it was Merlin thought it was. 

Indeed, in the dry and warm cave, thanks to the fire, Merlin could see a slim arrow jutting from his right side. He could see even some sort of liquid over it, meaning it was poisoned. Great.

Merlin exhaled softly, and pulled the arrow, gritting his teeth as to not alert the knights, who where relaxing by the fire.

He inspected the arrow. Poison, all right. He would survive, but it would take overnight. Hopefully he could keep his head straight for the night. 

"Any injuries?" Merlin called out to the group, walking over, trying to to limp. Let it bleed, he thought. Mordred, Leon, Arthur, and Gwaine shook their heads, while Percival pointed to a small scratch on his arm. "It's nothing," The silent knight protested. "Save it for when someone's really hurt." Merlin continued despite his words, the burning growing stronger. When he was finished, he rubbed his eyes, his face heating up. 

Arthur sighed, and laid back. We should get some rest. The rain will keep all night, by the sound of it." Perfect.

Merlin sighed, and sat down near the fire. Arthur raised his eyebrow. "Are the horses fed?" Ah, and so began the tormenting. 

Emrys? Are you alright? The druid asked silently.

"I'm fine." Merlin spoke out by accident. The poison was messing with his head.

"Your fine?" Arthur asked. "I said go water the horses, not how your feeling!"

Emrys you seem unwell. Should I help? The druid spoke again.

"I don't need help." Ah! Again? 

Arthur crossed his arms. "No one offered help."

I'm getting worried. Mordred transmitted again.

"No need to get worried. I'm fine!" Merlin stood.

Horses. Feed the horses, easy.

He staggered uneasily to the entrance, taking food out from his pack, his eyes drawn to the bloody arrow he set next to it.

His breathing became heavier, and it felt like his head was burning off. Where was his magic when he needed it?

He dropped the bucket outside, and feed the horses as fast as he could. Go sleep. That'll be better.

Is that blood on your coat, Emrys?

Speak out loud like a normal person.

Mordred narrowed his eyes as Merlin walked back in. 

It is.

"Shh." Merlin said, pressing his finger to his lips. 

The knights looked up at him. "Merlin?" Arthur asked.

"I'm fine. Don't tell Arthur." Merlin slurred, not meeting eye contact with Mordred.

Then he collapsed.

~Arthur's and the knight's POV~

Arthur jumped up and ran to Merlin. Mordred followed closely. He turned the manservant over, looking for anything that may have caused the fall. "There." Mordred pointed, to the growing bloodstain on his right side. Merlin... Arthur sighed.

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