Fly birdy fly

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Young Arthur finds a chicken and adopts it. Universe is messed up, Merlin, Morgana, Gwen, and Arthur are the same age (7) and the best of friends.

"Morgy! Guess what I found!" Arthur chirped, hugging a fat chicken in his arms. 

Morgana's eyes lit up in excitement. "A pet?"

Arthur nodded. "A birdy named Dragoon."

Morgana jumped in place. "Hi Dragoony!" 

Arthur giggled. "Let's show Merl's and Gwenie!" 

Morgana clapped. "Let's go!"

The two kids ran to their friend's rooms, Gwen's in the village, and Merlin staying with Gaius.

"Dragoon! Hi birdy!" Merlin cooed. 

Gaius stood in the back, wondering about his life choices.

Arthur twirled the bird around. "Whee!" Gwen squealed, the hyper 7 year old's crowding around the poor chicken. 

Gaius cleared his throat. "Uther doesn't approve of pets."

Morgana sulked. "That old poopy head doesn't like anything." 

Gaius blinked. 

Arthur gasped and covered the chicken's ears. "Morgy! Language!" 

Morgana giggled. "Poopity poopy poop!"

Gwen covered her ears and Merlin giggled. Gaius sighed. If Morgana was like this now, what would happen when she finds out real bad words.

Merlin whispered "poopy." under his breath, and Gaius paled. Morgana and him would be a chaotic pair.

"Let's go fly birdy!" Arthur decided, running out the room. Gaius felt himself pale as the children ran out the room. 

The children ran to the top of the tower, and Arthur set Dragoon on the wall. "Fly!"

The chicken, stupid as it was, jumped feet first and tried to fly. 

The children watched as Dragoon hit the bottom.

~Years later~

Merlin, in the form of an old man, stood before Uther.

"What's your name, wizard?" Uther spat.

Merlin thought, not wanting to reveal his magic to his friends and king.

"My name is Dragoon."

Arthur gasped, tears pouring from his eyes already. Gwen clutched her heart at the mention of his name, and Morgana stiffened. 

Merlin winced. Ah, that brought back the feels.

Omg so sorry for this. Just wanted to update- 

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