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Can I just say, that in the last chapter, Mordred was basically me. Shipping people in the back... Anyway, this is about how Morgana and Merlin adopted Mordred, sending him away because Camelot is not safe for him, and a couple years later, he returns, only to find his adoptive mother evil and not there, and Merlin still serving the king.

"A druid boy wants to speak with you, sire." Leon stated, opening the door to the great hall. Arthur nodded. "I'll take him alone, with only the knights of the round table and Gwen" Merlin as well, of course. Walking to the Great hall, Merlin was talking nonstop besides him, but it was easy to drone out. Sitting next to Gwen, they waited patiently for the boy to come. The knights lined up on either side of the room, there was no table. Merlin stood behind the knights. Soon, the boy walked in, and bowed before the king and queen. No one saw Merlin pale. "Sire, my name is Mordred." Arthur nodded, and said, "What brings you here." The boy stood up, and replied, "I come to find my adoptive parents." "Adoptive?" "Yes, Sire. I lost my real parents. Later, I was sent to Camelot and I found a pair of people to adopt me. However, Camelot was not safe, because the druid kind where still hunted." Arthur looked down. "I left on my parents orders, to stay away till I could live in peace. They had important jobs here, so they couldn't leave." Arthur's heart warmed at the sight of the young boy. "We will try to find your parents, Mordred. Do you know their names?" Mordred shook his head. "I do not remember. I just know they both begin with M, like me." Arthur nodded yet again, deep in thought. Merlin creeped in front of the knights. "Mordred." He whispered. Mordred looked up and met his eyes. "Father." "What was that?" Arthur asked. Mordred payed no attention to Arthur, running straight to his father, jumping into his arms. Merlin hugged the boy back, trying not to think about her. Arthur's mouth dropped open. Gwen's mouth dropped open. The knight's mouth dropped open. "What the-" Gwaine's mouth was covered by Percival. "There's a child in the room" he reminded. Arthur shook his head, then said, "Who's the mother?" Merlin looked down. Meeting the king's eye, he said in a shaky voice, "Morgana." 

And so began the screaming match.

Sorry if it sucks.  

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