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This is just something I think of 2 am in the morning. (Sorry if it sucks)

Arthur hated the ocean. 

Ever since that day he fell in, and grew a tail, he stayed as far as he could.

So did Gwen.

So did Morgana.

So did Merlin.

So when Uther ordered Arthur and Morgana to take a break from Camelot, and enjoy a week at the beach, all of them sighed.


Merlin stared at the crashing waves.

Morgana stood next to him, doing the same things.

"Arthur, I dare you to run underwater." Morgana said,  hoping it would distract the prince.

"Nope. How about you?"

"How about we all go in?" Asked Gwen, not worried about her gift.

She was already near the water.

Arthur agreed, and Merlin and Morgana smirked at the blush on his cheeks.

Gwen looked over at them.

Morgana sighed. "Let's go."

I am a magical warlock. Magic itself. Do I need to be a merman as well?!
But Merlin followed.

Morgana winced as her feet touched the water.

Arthur and Gwen where all ready knee deep.

"I should go back." Merlin said suddenly.

But then a huge wave appeared out of nowhere, capturing them all, making it impossible to turn back.


Merlin woke up first.

He flicked his gold (You could guess that was the color) tail with disgust, then looked to see if anyone else was awake.

He blinked twice.

Arthur was floating around with a red tail, and Gwen with a white one.

Morgana laid on the ocean floor with a silver tail.

All of them started to wake, and Merlin panicked.

Because when he turned into a merman, his eyes turned gold, as well as druid symbols down his spine.


Gwen finally woke first, and beamed at her fellow friends. Then she woke up Arthur.

"I didn't know you where a merman too!" Arthur woke, and saw Gwen with a tail.


Morgana woke from the noise, and jumped (Swam?) up, smiling. 

"You too?"

Merlin hid behind a rock before any of them could see him. He hated his tail, thought it made him more of a freak.

Morgana was the first to notice. "Wait, where's Merlin?"

Arthur and Gwen stopped swimming.

"He probably can't breath underwater!" Gwen remarked.

Merlin rolled his eyes.

Morgana swished her tail. "Merlin?!"

"He can't hear you, dummy." Arthur said, but Morgana saw the fear in his eye. 

"Let's look for him."

Merlin panicked.

Swimming quietly away, Merlin noticed something unusual.

This wasn't anywhere near the beach. This was thousands of miles under the ocean.

Noticing something glowing, Merlin followed the light, leaving his friends behind.

He entered a temple,  and the glowing disappeared suddenly. "Emrys..." A voice hissed.

Merlin swiveled quickly, but everything became blurry.

He drifted towards the floor, and collapsed.



"HE CAN'T HEAR YOU, MORGANA!" Arthur shouted, his tail flicking like he was nervous.

Gwen looked around anxiously. "It's been 20 minutes."

Morgana held back tears-the ocean was salty enough.  

Swimming away from them, Morgana felt her tears disappear into the ocean.

"Merlin?" She whispered, knowing it was pointless.

She swam on, reaching a temple.

Someone was there...

She swam closer, finding Merlin passed out in the middle of the floor.

And he had a tail.

She gasped.


His eyes flickered a bit. 


He opened his eyes, revealing gold ones underneath.

Morgana dropped him in surprise.

He hit is head. "Ow."

He turned, temporarily showing the druid symbols, but then he stood up.

Rubbing his head, he turned to Morgana, then swam back in shock.


Morgana hugged him. "We thought you where dead! But your like us!"

Merlin's eyes softened at those words. Like them.

"Come on! I need to tell Arthur and Gwen I found you! We where worried sick!"

She didn't notice my eyes...

Merlin swam next to her, wondering who was that voice that called him Emrys.

Morgana rounded the corner. "Guess who I found!"

Gwen gasped. "You found Merlin? Where is he?"

Morgana turned back and saw Merlin hanging behind the corner.

"Come on." She spoke gently.

Merlin sighed, and swam over to the group.

Gwen stared at his eyes.

Arthur did too.

Merlin bit his lip, and looked down. 

"That's not fair, my eyes don't change!"

Merlin looked up and saw Arthur crossing his arms.

He smiled and laughed.

Gwen smiled as well, happy they where all together. "Wanna play Mermaid tag?"

Arthur shrugged. "Sure."

Merlin and Morgana looked at each other. "Okay."

Mergana OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now