Prince Merlin

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We all know what this is about! Not Mergana, sorry.

Merlin scrubbed the floor of Arthur's bedroom, while the prat himself ate dinner.

"It's so hard being King, Merlin."

"It's not that hard to be prince, Merlin."

Merlin shook his mother's voice out of his head.

"I feel so surrounded at times."

"I feel so lonely at times, mother."

Merlin scrubbed harder, blocking out his own voice.

"I feel I have no power."

"I feel I'm to powerful."

Arthur finished eating his dinner, and stood.

"But I'm not going to desert my people."

"I'm going to run away from this."

Merlin stood angrily. Would his conscience let him forget nothing?

Arthur watched him. "I'm not gonna slip." 

Merlin sighed. 

I'm not a prince anymore, He thought.

Not the prince of a kingdom with advisor ruling, for the king is dead. Not the kingdom without a queen, for she ran from Uther's soldiers, into Cendred's land.  And not the kingdom without the prince, for he felt overwhelmed and ran. I'm not the prince of-

Leon ran in. "Knights from Everdale came requesting an audience with you." 


Merlin sighed. The knights had never stopped searching for him.

He had enough with being the greatest sorcerer ever, why did he need all that royal drama? He was better as a servant. 

Arthur nodded. "I'll meet with them right away."

No! Don't....

Merlin sighed as Arthur motioned for him to come along.

Merlin walked slowly behind Arthur, wondering if the knights would recognize him. It had been about 12 years, so Merlin decided the chances where slim.

They walked in, and Merlin shielded his face from the knights, which luckily didn't notice.

He didn't recognize any of the knights, for when he was prince he was shielded away from everyone. He hated it.

Everyone knew him, yet he didn't know them.

"We are here to find our prince, who ran away years ago. There have been some sightings recently here."

Arthur nodded, deep in thought. "I might know of him. What's his name?"

Of course you know him, dollophead.  Merlin exhaled deeply. 

"Merlin, sire."

Arthur raised his eye brow. "Merlin?"

Merlin looked down as Arthur looked over at him.

The knights looked over as well.

So much for not being suspicious. 

"Sire?" The knight asked, but this time not to Arthur.

Merlin stayed silent, looking up to the knight's wide eyes.

"I'm not going back." Merlin surprised himself.

Arthur looked over at him. "Why not?"

Merlin smiled over at him. "Like you said, being a king is hard."


"Are you sure?" Arthur asked as they watched the knights ride into the woods.

"Definitely." Merlin smiled. 

"Are you sure, my son?"


Mergana OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now