Arrow Wound Part Two

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This is chapter 72??!?

Arrow Wound part two, or how Aithusa solved the problem

 The group walked out the cave, supporting Merlin as they got on their horses. 

"Don't worry Merlin, Gaius will fix you up!" Arthur patted the man's shoulder.

Merlin shook his head. "I don't see the problem. I'm perfectly fine." Arthur lifted the arrow, still dripping with poison. "We don't believe that."

Mordred got on his own horse, volunteering to stay near the back with Merlin. The boy still hadn't discussed what Merlin had revealed to him, and those words where eating them inside. 

"Hey Merlin, back in the cave, you said-"

The words where swallowed as a blur of white tackled Merlin pinning him to the ground a few yards away.

"MERLIN!" Arthur yelled, stopping his horse, and unsheathing his sword. The knights all jumped off their horses, including Mordred. 

They approached Merlin, who was... being licked by a baby dragon?

"Ah! Aithusa! I missed you too!" Merlin giggled as the dragon licked his face.

Arthur aimed his sword to slay the dragon, but was stopped by a "Don't you dare, Arthur." come from behind him.

The knights all turned to Morgana and pointed their swords at her, except for Mordred who gave a small wave from the back. Merlin managed the overly-excited dragon, before looking up and her and smiling. He was in a forgiving mood today.

Morgana frowned in confusion, and Mordred kneeled by Merlin to pet the dragon.

Aithusa wasn't really good with people, she had often backed away from the people Morgana met on her way. 

Arthur jabbed her with his sword. "What do you want Morgana?"

"First of all, ow." Morgana started, but kept getting distracted by the smiling  manservant in the back. "Second of all..." Her evil statement vanished in her mind. 

"Second of all what?" Gwaine asked.

Morgana didn't answer, rushing past them to the two playing with Aithusa. 

Merlin looked up. "Hey, wanna join?" Morgana nodded, and the two made room for her, spoiling the dragon and making flower crowns and necklaces. 

"Who's a good girl!" Mordred cooed. 

The knights watched in confusion as a knight of Camelot, the King's Manservant, and Camelot's main enemy played with a hyper white dragon.

Arthur blinked twice. "Is everyone else seeing this?" He asked them.

Gwaine nodded. "Or maybe we all just drank to much."

Leon shook his head. "We didn't drink anything."

"Wow! You've gotten so much bigger!" Merlin hugged the dragon.

"Anyone else notice how their all acting like friends?" Percival added, watching Merlin and Morgana blush at each other.

Mordred smirked between the two of them, Aithusa in his arms copying the smile as much as a dragon could.

"Yeah..." Arthur watched, a smile threatening to cover his lips.

Merlin looked over at them. "Come join us!" The servant waved them over.

Arthur and the knights looked at each other and shrugged.

Morgana smiled at them as they sat down, and together they all began to spoil the dragon that knew exactly what she was doing.

Aithusa rolled around on the grass the knights and sorcerers cooing at her. She winked, directly at you.

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