The wish

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Sorry for not updating recently! I'm trying to get back to habit.

It all started with the wish.

Even now, after all these turns of events, she couldn't lie to herself that she would do it again.

Just for a chance to make him happy.

The wish took place on Merlin's birthday, making it in fact, a birthday wish. She could lie that she did it for his birthday.

But she did it for his love.

 She had found him in Gaius's room, studying science the old man must of piled upon him. Even his mentor had forgotten. She sat next to him, and whispered, "Happy birthday." Nothing more than a whisper, yet it still scared him. "Oh! Morgana. I didn't see you there!" He exclaimed, shutting the book quickly. "You remembered?" She smirked, nothing like the evil ones nowadays, and teased him. "I'm not like Arthur or the knights. What do you wish for your birthday? I'm just curious."

Merlin smiled back, and then turned to face the light, reflecting his blue eyes. "Well, I wish for magic to be legal again." He murmured. "Ah-Seems like the land would be calmer with it." He looked scared for a moment. She remembered the pained look on his face, the way he knew it wasn't happening. She hated seeing that look on his face. 

"Maybe it will happen." She comforted. "Maybe Camelot will be magical again."

Merlin laughed, a harsh bitter laugh. "As long as Uther's alive magic will never prosper."

Morgana took those words to heart, and stared at the boy she loved, vowing to make some change in the world, so his wishes would be pleased.

Morgouse found her desperate.  She was easy to turn.

Morgana tried everything. Talking to Uther. Talking to Arthur. Showing them, magic could be good. They didn't listen.

"Kill him." Morgouse whispered in her ear. "Become queen. You can change the laws."

Morgouse saw her as a desperate soul burdened with powerful magic. She didn't know her drive. What made her grab the knife.

She heard his words again. "As long as Uther's alive..." So she raised the knife above her father's sleeping form.

She almost killed him that night. But Merlin stopped her. "No!" He yelled, jerking her back. "Don't do it!" It was pouring rain outside, the thunderous bellows of thunder blocking out most of his words. Morgana bit her lip. "First you want him dead." She whispered. "Now you want him safe." She could tell he didn't hear her. 

Then he poisoned her, while she helped him take Uther to safety. He's just confused. She told herself. Once you finish, make magic legal, then he will realize.

So she came back, smiled, acted kind, when secretly she was dying inside. He glared at her across rooms, didn't trust her.

Soon. Soon. She told herself.

So then the big attack came, and Morgana looked around for him before she was crowned. 

But he disappeared, along with Arthur.

She saw him, later, as her crown got on her head, him and Arthur crouching from the stairway above. She almost called out to the guards, but she stopped when she saw his disappointed face. Be good. He'll come back. A voice, suspiciously like Morgouse's, called inside her. So she let them run. 

After Morgouse died, she devoted herself only to attacking Camelot, only to making magic legal. She grew desperate, and somewhat crazy.

"Stop Morgana!" Merlin called doomed battlefield, Mordred's last. "Stop this madness! Let Arthur live!"

"No!" Morgana yelled back, tears streaming down her face, "Not till your happy!"

Merlin's eyes locked with her, understanding. "Morgana..."

She knew in that moment she got it wrong. Arthur was the one to restore magic. At least in Merlin's eyes. "No. I can do it too!" She shouted, and flung the knife at the future king. 

Merlin would understand  later. That she'd been doing good.

He stopped the knife, and looked at her with sad eyes. "I blame myself for what you've become."

He stabbed the sword through her, but not a fatal wound. She would die, but not quickly. Not yet.

As she watched Merlin bury the dead king, she finally understood.

She messed up everything. 

As she laid her final tears, Morgana let herself dream about the happier times,  when she heard of the wish.

Before she misunderstood Merlin's one plea. 

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