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*More than one ship* (But other ships are just lightly mentioned.)

Merlin understood crushes.

He got a crush on Gwen, because she was sweet and kind and his first friend in Camelot.

But then she moved on, and he was okay with that.

Merlin had a crush on Arthur, their playful banter and over-protectiveness. 

But Arthur married Gwen, and he was okay with that.

He then got a crush on Lancelot, the knight being the only friend to know his secret.

But Lancelot fell for Gwen, which complicated things, but he was okay with that.

Merlin fell for Gwaine, because he just knew he had to fall for a bad boy some day.

But Gwaine found Percival, and Merlin was okay with that. 

 Then he found Morgana, 

And that couldn't have been a crush,

Because she left, and Merlin was not okay with that.

A/N: Okay that one was poetic! 2nd one in a day!! I'm proud!! Keep on shipping, my shippers! If you got requests, you can comment them, but there's a chance I won't get them done until later.  

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